Art and memory : Rafael Segovia-Winglet

Art and memory : Rafael Segovia-Winglet
Sat, 16. January 2016 - Sun, 5. June 2016
Art i memòria històric EN


Art and memory: Rafael Segovia-Winglet

Time is running out 

Pictorial, documental and object installations 

Installation of two works: "Time is running out" and "Atlas of the exile"

From January 16 till June 5, 2016 

Hall of the MUME

Rafael Segovia-Winglet is a Spanish-French plastic artist. He is currently a resident researcher at different French universities.

More information:

The artist Rafael Segovia-Winglet continues his research focused on the memory of Republican exile from his own family album. The articulation of painting, archival documents, objects and period photography generates an enriching story. The transposition of historical time and family memory time into a plastic time allows the viewer to approach the Civil War and the Republican exile in a poetic way.

virtual visit eng1 250p




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