Art and memory: Francesc Abad

Art and memory: Francesc Abad
Wed, 1. December 2010 - Sun, 27. March 2011
Art i memòria històric EN


Art and memory: Francesc Abad

Francesc Abad, Rotspanien, (2005-2006)

Rotspanien is a documentary on the Nazi concentration camp system. In May 2005, Francesc Abad, along with former deportees, friends and relatives of the Associació Amical de Mauthausen, went to several camps.

The documentary seeks to reveal the situation of the concentration camps of Mauthausen, Gusen and Ebensse in the framework of the commemoration of the 60th anniversary of the liberation. This event brought together a large number of people worldwide and also many institutional representatives. For the first time, a president of the Spanish government was present and a Catalan deportee, Eusebi Pérez, read a closing text during the tribute.

The documentary provides a reflection on what these memorial sites represent today.

It was made together with Laura Casaponsa and Jorge Caballero, and had the collaboration of El Prat de Llobregat Town Council and the Ministry for Institutional Relations and Participation at the Government of Catalonia.

This work of Francesc Abad will be shown in Art and Memory section, located in the hall of MUME, December 1, 2010 to March 27, 2011.

Art and Memory. Contemporary Artistic Initiatives

This space – which has occasional contributions from the Maçart group – is devoted to the periodical exhibition of contemporary artistic initiatives based on the relations between art and memory – individual and collective – associated with historical and political events. In this respect, priority is given to those works that, based on a documentary, emotional and reflective perspective, consider the function and influence that memory and the figure of the witness can have both in understanding 20th century history and in a possible critical approach to the complexity of today’s world.

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