Art and memory: "From the trench to the orchard", by Clara Oliveras

Art and memory: "From the trench to the orchard", by Clara Oliveras
Sam, 15. juin 2024 - Dim, 5. janvier 2025
Art i memòria històric EN


Art et mémoire: "From the trench to the orchard", by Clara Oliveras

From June, 15, 2024 at January, 5,  2025

This project, whose protagonists are grandfather Joan (Joan Gironell Compte, born in Beuda in 1927) and his old shovel, which he still uses to work the orchard, transports us to the end of the Spanish War and to a farm in La Garrotxa (Beuda). The experience lived by the family during the Retreat has been passed on to the children and grandchildren and Clara Oliveras has made an artistic approach through a testimonial video centered on the object of a shovel.

Clara Oliveras v3 pages to jpg BD 436x350

Clara Oliveras Valentí (Girona, 1963), graduated in Fine Arts, has worked in painting, sculpture and drawing, but it is in photography and installation that she has developed her latest works. He works from objects typical of popular culture that he finds, manipulates, transforms and reinterprets, he also creates new ones, playing with iconographic codes. Each object has behind it a memory, a secret history, an evocative potential, an emotional and symbolic charge. By making associations of scattered elements he builds a new narrative, some are attracted to each other and with them he tells us about time, the power and the fragility of the future of contemporary society.

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