Exhibition: Fern Sehen. How do we imagine somewhere we haven't been to de Monika Anselment

Exhibition: Fern Sehen. How do we imagine somewhere we haven't been to de Monika Anselment
Sam, 21. novembre 2015 - Dim, 31. janvier 2016
Exposició Temporal Històric EN


Exposició: Fern Sehen. How can we imagine a place we haven't been to? de Monika Anselment

Museu Memorial de l’Exili: from November 28, 2015 till January 31, 2015 

Museu de l’Empordà: from November 28, 2015 till January 10, 2016 

In German, a television is a device to watch what is far away. In the compound word television, the Greek word tele is equivalent to FERN, which means far, and the Latin word visio is equivalent to SEHEN, which means to watch.

Wars presented as technology shows, junk vehicles and rubble buildings, refugee camps, people risking their lives across the Mediterranean or lost in inhospitable landscapes, often shape the visual universe that appears on our screens.

They are the images of a world in a state of convulsion that, since 1993, have become the focus of Monika Anselment's work. Specifically, on the one hand, the German artist, through a photo reworking operation, wonders how these images reach us and influence our way of understanding the world. On the other hand, with the compilation of oral histories, jokes, posters, objects, books, videos and photographs in situ, try to weave narratives that run parallel to the media convention.

The exhibition, more than a story about a permanent war affecting the Middle East since the early 1990's, is a reflection on the environment of victims of conflicts or the large waves of refugees wandering in the reception, in the heart of our homes, of these humanitarian and geopolitical disasters. As storytelling tools, the media - especially television and digital - are critically analyzed and reviewed. Does "looking away" (fern sehen) have to do with objectivity? Or does it cover mysterious operations of a complex and often unfortunately dramatic reality?

Photographs, videos and installation will make up the whole of the work presented at the Exile Memorial Museum and the Empordà Museum.

This exhibition is co-organized by the Figueres Empordà Museum and the Jonquera Exile Memorial Museum


Inauguration: Saturday, November 28, 2015 

Exhibition open for visitors from November 28, 2015 till January 31, 2016 

Per a més informació, podeu descarregar la nota de premsa sobre l'exposició en format PDF.

Web de Monika Anselment - Publicació FERN SEHEN

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