Screening of the film: 100 dies (100 days)

Screening of the film: 100 dies (100 days)
Ven, 10. juillet 2009
Altres Activitats Històric EN


Screening of the film "100 dies"

Screening of the documentary  film  about the retreat in Figueres: "100 dies", by Vicenç Asenci.

MUME, 10 July 2009

"100 dies" is a documentary that wishes to offer a serious, objective and detailed view of the las days of the Civil War in Figueres. During those historic days, Figueres, the capital of the Alt Empordà became a key city and its population witnessed from a very dramatic and priviliged position terrible moments of their country's history.

The documentary, a collection of testimonies of the events and the contributions of differents experts and historians, constructs an intense narrative that explains the events from the end of the Battle of the Ebre to the total occupation of the territory by the Francoist troops. With an inevitable and irreversible rhythm, 100 dies goes over the events that marked the history of our country during those final days: the caravans of exiles, the brutal bombings, the construction of shelters, the suffering of the civilian population.

From the emotion but also from the rigour and objectivity, "100 dies", portraits the intensity of these terrible and unique moments suffered by Figueres and the Alt Empordà, 70 years ago today.  

  • Year: 2009
  • Typology: Documentary - Television
  • Gender: Documentary
  • Public: General
  • Duration:  35.00 '
  • Original version: Spanish, Catalan
  • Format: Color, Black and white, HD, others.
  • Web:

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