Art and memory: Platform Mozaika

Art and memory: Platform Mozaika
Sam, 8. décembre 2012 - Lun, 22. avril 2013
Art i memòria històric EN


Art and Memory: Plataforma Mozaika



In 1867, Professor Moritz obtained Austro-Hungarian citizenship and left the village of Batelov in the Czech Republic. Only an old man, the guardian of a cemetery, remembers him. One morning he comes across a boy from Barcelona who appears among his ancestors’ gravestones like a bud sprouting in foreign roots. The story of a journey towards freedom... perhaps heightened by the effect of liquor.

In the mid-19th century, Europe began a parenthesis in its history and distanced itself from medieval obscurantism and the convulsed ideologies that would come later. A transformation known as Haskalah took place among the Jewish people. It was an enlightenment that would modernise their conception of time and transform their link with the past.

Emancipation opened the gates to talent. The natural light of ideas and divine revelation were provisionally intertwined, giving birth to one of the most exciting periods of creation in Jewish history.


The installation (parenthesis) was conceived by a group of young artists, the founders of the platform Mozaika. They began their project with the editing and publication of a Jewish cultural journal that undergoes a metamorphosis in each issue. Mozaika has grown with a spirit of transgression and has expanded. At present, it also produces short films, has a website and organises exhibitions. This installation is a tribute to an era that has inspired the current Jewish movements which, after years of exile, are reappearing in our country.


"Beatle Jew. Part 1, El Último Guardián"

Curtmetratge documental

Espanya, 2012 / Director: Federico Szarfer. Guió: Daniel Wagensberg / 11:46 min / DVD / V.O.


Sinopsi: El 1867 el Professor Moritz Antscherl i molts altres jueus de la seva generació aconseguiren la ciutadania austrohongaresa i abandonaren Fatherland. Només els recorda un ancià. És el guardià del cementiri. Un bon matí es troba amb un noi de Barcelona que apareix entre les làpides dels seus avantpassats... com un tany que brota en arrels alienes. La història és una travessia cap a la llibertat, tal vegada avivada per l’efecte de l’aiguardent.


 8 december  2012 - 7 april 2013

Espace-hall del MUME




Art and Memory. Contemporary Artistic Initiatives


This space – which has occasional contributions from the Maçart group – is devoted to the periodical exhibition of contemporary artistic initiatives based on the relations between art and memory – individual and collective – associated with historical and political events. In this respect, priority is given to those works that, based on a documentary, emotional and reflective perspective, consider the function and influence that memory and the figure of the witness can have both in understanding 20th century history and in a possible critical approach to the complexity of today’s world.

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