Debate: The configuration of the history and memory of the Nazi concentration camps in Spain. The 7oth anniversary of the liberation of Mauthausen

Debate: The configuration of the history and memory of the Nazi concentration camps in Spain. The 7oth anniversary of the liberation of Mauthausen
Ven, 15. mai 2015
Altres Activitats Històric EN


A day of debate: The configuration of the history and memory of the Nazi camps in Spain. The 70th anniversary of the liberation of Mauthausen

Date: May 15, 2015 from 10 to 16.30h 

Place: Museu Memorial de l’Exili (MUME)

One of the most significant memories of the twentieth century derives from the Nazi concentration camp. An unmissable reference that has shaped a memorial and testimonial paradigm that passes from generation to generation. It is precisely because of this that it is often a enrichened ground for myths, misunderstandings and even falsification and imposture. Frequently, as is obvious, the appearance in the public sphere of misrepresentations, some even malicious, usually comes from the visual andliterary worlds, especially in the area known as the testimonial genre. Currently, the power of media and networks can lead to an uncontrollable amplification of this phenomenon.

The nonsense and stereotypes circulate and penetrate the collective imaginary with effects that disrupt the collective memory. Spain, in this sense, has not been an exception. The Mauthausen camp, where most of the peninsular deportees were taken, has not escaped from various controversies nor from the use and manipulation that has served and still serve specific party interests, which in turn have been key not only at the moment of configurating the knowledge of the  experience of concentration in Mauthausen, but also at the moment to face history and the memories of other camps, in short, of other memories.

This day of debate aims to provide, from the field of history, philosophy and cultural and visual studies, elements for having the capacity to articulate a critical memory of this traumatic past.

During the day the protagonists will be the students of the second year of the degree in History who have recently made a study trip to the Camp de Mauthausen. Also, the activity is open to students of other grades who are interested.




-      10h Presentació del seminari-jornada de debat a càrrec de Jordi Font, director del MUME, d’Anna Maria Garcia, catedràtica d’Història Contemporània de la Universitat de Girona i de Marta Marin-Dómine, directora del Centre for Memory and Testimony Studies  (Wilfrid Laurier University)

-      10:15h "Veritats, tòpics i malentesos: la memòria de Mauthausen a Catalunya”

Conferència-conversa a càrrec de Jordi Font (Museu Memorial de l’Exili ) i Marta Marin-Dòmine (Wilfrid Laurier University)

11:30h Cafè i descans

-      12:00h “El cinema i els mitjans de comunicació com a forjadors d’imaginaris de l’univers concentracionari nazi”, a càrrec d’Arturo Lozano Aguilar (Universitat de València)

-      13:00h Conversa a l’entorn  del llibre Usos i abusos de la imatge en l’univers visual de la Shoah (assaig guanyador de la I Edició del Premi Internacional Memorial Walter Benjamin, 2013), entre la mateixa autora, Marina Vinyes, i Maximiliano Fuentes (Universitat de Girona/Càtedra Walter Benjamin).

-      14:00h – 15:00h Pausa i dinar

-      15:00h – 16:30h “Reflexions sobre la interpretació i la patrimonialització de l’univers concentracionari avui. Relats després de la visita al Camp de Mauthausen”. Sessió coordinada per Anna Maria Garcia (Universitat de Girona) i debat animat pels estudiants que hauran visitat el camp de Mauthausen amb motiu del 70è aniversari de l’alliberament.

-      16:30h Cloenda de la jornada de debat


Jordi Font

Anna Maria Garcia

Marta Marin-Dómine

Arturo Lozano Aguilar

Marina Vinyes

Maximiliano Fuentes

Estudiants del grau d’Història (segon curs)



Museu Memorial de l’Exili (MUME),

Grup de recerca Història, Memòria i Identitats (Institut de Recerca Històrica / Departament d’Història i Història de l’Art de la Universitat de Girona),

Càtedra Walter Benjamin (Universitat de Girona) i

Centre for Memory and Testimony Studies (Wilfrid Laurier University).

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