Exhibition: Àlvar d'Orriols

Exhibition: Àlvar d'Orriols
Sam, 2. juillet 2016 - Dim, 30. octobre 2016
Exposició Temporal Històric EN


Exhibition: Àlvar d'Orriols. The bonfires of Le Pérthus 

MUME, from July 2 to October 30, 2016 

Opening: Saturday July 2 at 12 noon.

This event will feature the interventions of the mayor and president of the MUME Consortium, Sònia Martínez, and the director of the MUME, Jordi Font.

The exhibition consists of twenty drawings (40X50) taken from the book "Les fogueres del Pertús. Diari de l'evacuació de Catalunya" (Ed. Carles Gorbs, 2014), which the author made while living the long and difficult path of exile. The drawings, documented and explained with their corresponding foot, want to show, in a graphic way, what the Civil War, the bombings and, above all, the exile that thousands of families suffered, now little more than 75 years (1939-2014).

The exhibition, therefore, has two purposes: to vindicate and highlight the figure of Àlvar d'Orriols as an illustrious person of great popularity and recognition in the thirties as a writer, musician and playwright, as well as his involvement. with democracy, social justice and Catalan culture. After the exile, Orriols (who incidentally spoke seven languages) fell into oblivion. The other purpose is to collaborate with the recovery of historical memory and remember, now that the 75th anniversary is being celebrated, what and how exile was.


The bonfires of Le Pertús. Diary of the evacuation of Catalonia, by Àlvar d'Orriols (Gorbs, 2014).

Les fogueres del Pertús, diari de l'evacuació de Catalunya is a book written by Àlvar d'Orriols, in 1939, in which he narrates in an agile and flat way the long march into exile, which the author himself suffered, from Barcelona to France, as well as many other people and families. The book, which is also illustrated by numerous drawings made by Orriols himself, is a diary in which anecdotes, experiences, feelings, emotions ... are told that place the reader in an unfortunate episode in our history. in which with reflections, dialogues, narrations ... a chronicle is written --written and illustrated-- of a long and tortuous way: I exile. This book wants to make a further contribution to the recovery of historical memory and, at the same time, pay a small tribute and recognition to the figure of Àlvar d'Orriols as an illustrious figure in the culture and art of our country, as well as highlighting his involvement with justice, freedom and democracy, which he made clear at all times throughout his life, and which has not been fully recognized.


Més informació a:

Ressenya de Jordi Font Agulló a la Revista de Girona núm. 291 (2015).

Ressenya de Ricard Salvat a Librería de Cazarabet a l'edició castellana "Las Hogueras del Pertús" de 2009 (Editorial Renacimiento /Biblioteca del Exilio)

Article de Joan Ribas a El Punt Avui (2009) sobre Àlvar d'Orriols

Presentació audiovisual del llibre "Les Fogueres del Pertús" (Editorial Gorbs - Youtube)

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