International Day of Poetry 2017. J.V. Foix

International Day of Poetry 2017. J.V. Foix
Mar, 21. mars 2017 - Dim, 26. mars 2017
Altres Activitats Històric EN


The UCM network (A Museum Region) is jointly participating in a tribute to the poetry of J. V. Foix, whose 30th anniversary of his death is being celebrated in 2017.

This year marks the 30th anniversary of the death of the poet and writer JV Foix who, together with the declaration of 2017 as the JV Foix Year, by the Generalitat de Catalunya, the Xarxa Una Comarca de Museu, which integrates eight museums of the Alt Empordà, has scheduled a series of events related to this ephemeris linked to this character.

To commemorate the "International Poetry Day" (March 21), and during the following days, we have scheduled several events related to the poems of JV Foix linked to the themes of each of the eight museums that make up the network "A Region of Museum".

1.- The Anchovy and Salt Museum of L'Escala plans to exhibit a sonnet on the sea from the collection Sol i de dol (1947), and will distribute leaflets with this poem to museum visitors throughout the month. of March.

2.- The Ecomuseum - Flour Mill of Castelló d'Empúries, plans to exhibit the poem that JV Foix dedicated to the essayist J. Bofill i Ferro in the poem Sol i de dol in the permanent rooms of the museum, give it printed to visitors who visit the museum during the week so that they can take it. The poem chosen refers to silos, millstones and bread.

3.- At the Empordà Museum on March 21 at 10:30 am. the Catalan students of the Consortium for Linguistic Normalization - Catalan Office of Figueres will read the poem Quatre colores aparien el món by J. V. Foix in the Empordà painting rooms. Catalan students will also read the poem “La poesia” written by the Mallorcan poet Antònia Vicens. "Poetry" will be read in Catalan, Spanish, Arabic, French, Italian, English, Romanian and Quechua.

4.- The MUME, Memorial Museum of the Exile of La Jonquera, from March 21 to 26, will distribute the poem Les Irreals Omegues (1948) to all visitors and this poem can be viewed at the reception. The MUME has chosen this poem which was written in September 1936 for its relationship to the Civil War.

5.- The Espai Cultural La Ciutadella de Roses, from March 21 to 26, will read the poem It is when I sleep that I see clearly (1953), at the beginning of each guided tour and you can also read the poem at the reception.

6.- At the Museu d'Arqueologia de Catalunya-Empúries, on March 21, visitors will receive the leaflets of the poem M'allegro e canto nella stagion novella (Boccaccio), taken from the poem collection “Sol i de dol” by JV Foix published in 1947.

7.- The Toy Museum of Catalonia - Figueres will distribute leaflets among its visitors with one of the poems from the poem collection Sol i de dol (1947), the last verse has become an emblem of the museum M'exalta el nou i the old man falls in love with me.

8.- The Museu de la Tècnica de l’Empordà will distribute the poem Jo tem la nit by J. V. Foix among its visitors throughout the week.

More information on the activities planned for the rest of Catalonia:

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