Exhibition: Camp dels Haras, 1939. Fontserè i Clavé a la llum de Martí Vives

Exhibition: Camp dels Haras, 1939. Fontserè i Clavé a la llum de Martí Vives
Sam, 17. mars 2018 - Dim, 2. septembre 2018
Exposició Temporal Històric EN


Exhibition: Camp dels Haras, 1939. Fontserè i Clavé in the light of Martí Vives

Exhibition held within the framework of the centenary of Carles Fontserè, in collaboration with the Department of Culture

Exhibition from March 17 to September 2, 2018.

Opening: Saturday, March 17, 2018 at 5 p.m.

This exhibition aims to highlight the rich network of relationships in which, despite the difficult situation they had to face, the young artists Carles Fontserè and Antoni Clavé moved in the first stage of their exile. Perpignan, during the first months of 1939 became a city in a state of emergency in which gestures of solidarity were essential for the fate of refugees.

The Roussillon artist Martí Vives will play a key role in leaving the Catalan internment camps, as was the case with Fontserè and Antoni Clavé. For Carles Fontserè, as well as for Antoni Clavé, that precarious and even dangerous stage will paradoxically allow them to make their first exhibitions as artists. Art will become a vital survival strategy.

In the exhibition you can see original works and various documentation of the time.

Exhibition curated by Eric Forcada.

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