Pompeu Fabra after 1939, language in exile

Pompeu Fabra after 1939, language in exile
Sam, 15. décembre 2018
Altres Activitats Històric EN




"[...] in exile Catalonia is above all language" (letter from Carles Pi i Sunyer to Antoni M. Sbert, London, April 2, 1940).

Pompeu Fabra, a grammarian and creator of modern Catalan, died in exile in Prada on Christmas Day 1948. As part of the events commemorating the 150th anniversary of the birth of the country's most important linguist, this day will be dedicated to Master and to expose the situation of Fabra, his work and that of his disciples after 1939.

In the morning the tribute to Pompeu Fabra will take place in Prada (Conflent), in the cemetery where he is buried and in the places where he lived, and in the afternoon, in the MUME of La Jonquera, there will be an event dedicated to the situation of the language and the linguists between 1939 and 1948.


9:30 am Meeting at the MUME

10am Departure of the bus to Prada

11:30 am Offering at the tomb of Pompeu Fabra in the cemetery of Prada and reading of texts by Maria Campillo.

12pm An itinerary of the exiled language in Prada: tribute and memory of Pompeu Fabra by Mònica Montserrat and David Paloma

1pm Lunch at Prada

4pm Arrival at the MUME for the afternoon session

Round table: Language and linguists in exile with Xavier Luna-Batlle (UAB) as moderator and Josep Ferrer Costa (director of the Pere Coromines Foundation) and Josep Murgades (UB) as speakers.

Then a turn of speech will open.

7 pm The event will end

Price of the day (Includes travel and lunch) 40 EUR

Registration until December 10 (Limited places) at:

+34 972 556 533 - Cette adresse e-mail est protégée contre les robots spammeurs. Vous devez activer le JavaScript pour la visualiser.

Carrer Major 43-47 - 17700 LA JONQUERA

You can download the poster with the program of activities here.


Exile Memorial Museum (MUME)

Carles Pi i Sunyer Foundation for regional and local studies


Association of Friends of the MUME

Pau Casals Foundation

Center for Studies on the Francoist and Democratic Periods (CEFID, UAB)

Contemporary Catalan Literature Study Group (GELCC, UAB)

The year 2018 is dedicated to commemorating the figure and work of Pompeu Fabra. This was agreed by the Government of Catalonia last August to celebrate the 150th anniversary of the birth of the most illustrious Catalan linguist and grammarian and the 100th anniversary of the publication of the Catalan Grammar.

During the year, various activities are organized in memory and recognition of who was a brilliant scientist, who codified and modernized the language and made it suitable for the various styles and functions. The celebration has a special impact on his contribution to the language, and also highlights the great social roots of his figure and work throughout Catalonia.

For more information on the activities linked to the Pompeu Fabra Year 2018, you can consult the website of the General Directorate of Language Policy of the Generalitat de Catalunya under the name "Year Fabra 2018" (150 years of birth and 100 years of Catalan Grammar).

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