Cultural outing and commemoration of 80th anniversary of the beginning of the war

Cultural outing and commemoration of 80th anniversary of the beginning of the war
Sam, 5. mars 2016
Altres Activitats Històric EN


Cultural outing and commemoration 80th anniversary ofthe beginning of the war 

Saturday, February 6 and Saturday, March 5, 2016 

Organised by Museu d'Història de Girona (Museum History of Girona)

In collaboration with MUME

Cultural and commemorative outing with guided tours to the Exile Museum (MUME), to the Mina Canta in La Vajol and other sites in Argelers. 

Included transfers by bus and lunch. 


Meeting point 

At 8.20h at the History Museum of Girona 

 Arrival back to Girona 

At 20h approx. 

Information and reservations: 

Museu d'Història de Girona

C. de la Força, 27-17004 Girona

Tel. 972 222 229

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Limited seats: Oligatory reservations. 

Deadline for reservations: February 29 


Account nr.La Caixa:

IBAN ES83 2100 0002 5402 0066 5087

Concepte per la sortida del 6 de febrer:

Sortida MHG 6F + nom i cognoms de l'incrit/a

Concepte per la sortida del 5 de març:

Sortida MHG 5M + nom i cognoms de l'incrit/a

Preu: 30 euros / 25 euros socis del Club Girona Cultura i socis de l'Associació d'Amics del MUME.


Més informació a:

Nota de premsa de l'activitat



virtual visitfra1 250p




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