Concert: Les cançons dels brigadistes (The songs of the brigadists) by the Brossa Quartet (80th anniversary of the Spanish Republic)

Concert: Les cançons dels brigadistes (The songs of the brigadists) by the Brossa Quartet (80th anniversary of the Spanish Republic)
Sam, 12. février 2011
Altres Activitats Històric EN


2011 - 80th anniversary of the proclamation of the Catalan Republic and of the Second Spanish Republic - 75th anniversary of the beginning of the Spanish Civil War

In year 2011 it has a special signification regarding the memory of the years of the Second Republic and the Civil War. In particular, on 14 April of 1931 Francesc Macià it|he|she proclaimed the Catalan Republic how integrated state in the Iberian federation -transformed from the 17 April into the Generalitat de Catalunya- and in Madrid constituted the provisional government of the Second Republic. Therefore, they are fulfilled 80 years of those facts that made the democratic experience of the Second Republic possible. Five years later, in July of 1936, the coup d'état headed by a part of the army, which had the support of an extense conservative coalition, entailed the beginning of the Civil War. Of this event the emblematic figure of 75th anniversary is also commemorated. In the memorial frame of that period so it|he|she convulses and transcendental, and that it|he|she coincides with 72nd anniversary of the republican downfall in February of 1939 and the back one exiles, the MUME proposes an act that it remembers and the country puts in value all those facts that buried in a long dictatorship from the winter of 1939.

As homage and remembrance the show is presented:


Saturday, 12 February, at 19 hr
Place: Gallery of La Societat "Unió Jonquerenca", 101, carrer Major of La Jonquera.
Free entry

The Quartet Garbage of Rope was the person responsible for interpreting the songs and hymns that were an emblem of their fight for the last act of homage to the International Squads in commemoration in 70th anniversary of their participation in the Spanish Civil War. The formation|training played the lead in that 25 October a soiree full of emotion shared with the surviving international brigadistes and its|his|her|their families. Now they retrieve that repertoire and they offer it in concert.

"The songs of the brigadistes" he|she|it intends to be a homage to the ancient anonymous heroes, with a repertoire that retrieves the historical melodies in defence of the values of freedom and solidarity. With an elegant and virtuous style, the songs of the Spanish resistance will show connections with the Fleming, the classical music, the gypsy-like music or the jazz.

With the collaboration of the singer Marta Valero, the percussionist Pinyu Martí and the accordionist Gregori Ferrer, Quartet of Rope Brossa it  proposes a way a lot of suggerent of retrieving the historical memory through the music and the emotion.

The repertoire includes subjects like: Gallo negro, gallo rojo ‐Si me quieres escribir ‐El quinto regimiento ‐El tururururú ‐Viva la quinta brigada ‐Bella Ciao ‐Los cuatro generales ‐Txoría, txorí ‐Canción de las brigadas internacionales ‐Tango del camp d’Argelers‐sur mer ‐Himne de l’exèrcit popular ‐Dime dónde vas morena ‐A las barricadas-...


Interpreters QUARTET BROSSA:

Aleix Puig and Pere Bartolomé, violins
Imma Lluch, viola
Oleguer Aymamí, cello
GREGORI SMITH, accordion chromatic and arrangements
JOSEP "PINYU" MARTÍ, percussion

The concert is complemented with a video, interview to Lluís Martí Bielsa, guard of assault during the Civil War in collaboration with the International Squads.

Realization: Rosa Rydhal Hyphen|Script: Aleix Puig, Imma Lluch

virtual visitfra1 250p




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