Seminar: In Between. Recent past and memory construction in the Catalan border region

Seminar: In Between. Recent past and memory construction in the Catalan border region
Mar, 19. septembre 2017
Altres Activitats Històric EN


IN BETWEEN. Recent past and memory construction in the Catalan border region

Introductory seminar for the In Between study visit

Recent past and memory construction at the Catalan cross-border region

La Jonquera, Museu Memorial de l'Exili (MUME) September 19th, 2017.

Organise: EUROM (European Observatory on Memories), ENRS (European Network Remembrance and Solidarity) and Fundació Solidaritat de la Unviersitat de Barcelona.



10:00 Welcome and presentation of the seminar and the study visit.

David González. Universitat de Barcelona-MUME.

Zhana Wróblewska. ENRS (European network of Remembrance and Solidarity).

Jordi Guixé. EUROM-UB (European Observatory on Memories-Universitat de Barcelona).

10:15 A nation on both sides of the political borders: the history of modern Catalonia. Rafel Sospedra. Universitat de Barcelona.

11:00 Traumatic events in Spanish recent history: Civil war and the path to exile. David González. Universitat de Barcelona-MUME.

11:45 The process for historical memory recovery in Spain. Ricard Conesa. EUROM-UB (European Observatory on Memories-Universitat de Barcelona).

12:15 Coffee break


13:00 How to deal with an archive on memories: the case of the MUME. Miquel Serrano. MUME's curator.

14:00 Lunch break

16:00 Guided tour at MUME's permanent and temporary exhibitions. Jordi Font. MUME's director.

Lectures at the theoretical session will be held in Spanish or English language depending on the speaker.

Practical workshop will be conducted in Spanish language.

More information at EUROM website.

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