Presentation of book:: Trencar el silenci. Records ocults de les famílies (Break the silence. Hidden memories of the families)

Presentation of book:: Trencar el silenci. Records ocults de les famílies (Break the silence. Hidden memories of the families)
Sam, 16. avril 2016
Altres Activitats Històric EN


Presentation of the book: "Trencar el silenci. Records ocults de les famílies" (Break the silence. Hidden memories of the families)  (Editorial Hacer, 2016).

This Saturday, April 26 at 16.30h, the book Trencar el silenci. Records ocults de les famílies, will be presented at the MUME. This presentation will be by the Fundació APIP-ACAM, with the presence and participation of some of the authors. 

This book, published by Hacer Editorial, is a collection of testimonies that aims to delve into the consequences and ravages of the military revolt of 1936. The intention has been to collect the memories of families, missing relatives, exiles, or those hidden memories that came out during conversations at family gatherings, also during silences. It is the memory of the losers, of the anonymous people, of those who preserved a long and continuous silence. Of those who lost everything but their dignity. These are the true protagonists of the story.


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