Presentation of the documentary : Eugeni Gurnés, sumari obert, de Joan Roura 

Presentation of the documentary : Eugeni Gurnés, sumari obert, de Joan Roura 
Sam, 11. mai 2019
Altres Activitats Històric EN



Presentation of the documentary Eugeni Gurnés, open summary, by Joan Roura (Carles Rahola Award 2018)

MUME, Saturday, May 11 at 11 p.m.

The documentary is based on the publication La veu silenciada (by the author Mercè Carbó Bosch, Curbet Edicions, 2016), a biography of Eugeni Gurnés Bou (Llagostera, 1907 - Girona, 1943), mayor of Llagostera during the Civil War, exiled to France who returned to Catalonia in 1940, he was imprisoned and convicted in a summary trial and executed in the cemetery of Girona in 1943.

From 1939 onwards, the Franco regime installed throughout the country, far from developing policies of reconciliation, imposed a coexistence based on fear, betrayal and terror. Eugeni Gurnés, former mayor of Llagostera, was one of the victims of this repression and was killed in the cemetery of Girona on the morning of May 7, 1943.

This documentary made by Joan Roura, tells us its story from the search in existing documents in different archives, including the summary for "aid to the rebellion" that will lead to the sentence of death. Several witnesses of direct relatives, such as his daughter Rosa and neighbors of the village, contribute their experiences to put in context those events of the dark era of Franco's repression. 

Less than a year ago, Mercè Carbó and Eugènia Riera herself published La veu silenciada, which explains the whole crossroads of Eugeni Gurnés' family. The presentation will feature the director of the MUME, Jordi Font, the documentary filmmaker and producer Joan Roura. (Kinema Grup) and the granddaughter of the protagonist of the documentary, Eugènia Riera Gurnés (Association for the Recovery of the Historical Memory of Llagostera).

More information on the documentary at:

Diari de Girona

Diputació de Girona (visualització del documental)

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