Concert: Quartet Brossa "Music of the Holocaust"

Concert: Quartet Brossa "Music of the Holocaust"
Sam, 7. juin 2008
Altres Activitats Històric EN


Concert of the Quartet Brossa "Music of the Holocaust"

Created in January 2004 within the formation "Terrassa 48 Chamber Orchestra", the Brossa Quartet was born with the idea of bringing together repertoires not frequently programmed for classical music concerts and to find affinities with all types of musical styles. Music of the Holocaust is a musical performance (text and music) designed from artwork produced in the Nazi concentration camps and created by the victims themselves. During the Second World War (1939-1945), members of the cultural world linked to the Nazi regime recorded the soundtracks of the folk songs sung by their victims to preserve their musical traditions after their death. The Brossa String Quartet suggested a journey through these kinds of music that survived even after the Holocaust. The music by creators such as Rudi Gogel, Herbert Zipper, Alexander Kulisiewich, and the link between classical music and Klezmer, Gypsy and Mediterranean music combined with a selection of texts by Primo Levi, Joaquim Amat Piniella, Jorge Semprun and Imre Kertész, among others.

The public attendance was very large and the impact of the concert was very positive.

virtual visitfra1 250p




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