Art and memory: María Ruido

Art and memory: María Ruido
Ven, 15. juillet 2011 - Dim, 2. octobre 2011
Art i memòria històric EN


Art and memory: María Ruido (

Plan Rosebud 1 : La escena del crimen, 2008. 114 minuts

Plan Rosebud 2: Convocando a los fantasmas, 2008120 minuts 


Plan Rosebud 1: La escena del crimen, 2008. 114 minutes

Original language: Spanish, Galician, English / subtitles: Spanish, English / Master DV / Formats: Betacam / DVD

Screening: 10 am to 2 pm

 Plan Rosebud 2: Convocando a los fantasmas, 2008120 minutes

Original language: Spanish, Galician, English / subtitles: Spanish, English / Master DV / Formats: Betacam / DVD

Screening: 3 pm to 7 pm

The film Plan Rosebud 1 approaches the social debate concerning Spain’s so-called Historical Memory Law and the current relations between the sites of memory, politics of memory, and cultural industries. War tourism and commemorative tourism are two of the issues approached through a comparative vision with other European places. The film Plan Rosebud 2 focuses fundamentally on the analysis of the historical process of the Spanish transition to democracy. Specifically, it looks at its cultural context which, to a great extent, coincided with an international change of economic and political paradigm at the end of the 1970s.

Espace-Hall of MUME. July, 15 to October 2,  2011.


María Ruido (Ourense, 1967) is an artist, cultural producer and researcher. Particularly using video and writing, she creates interdisciplinary projects on the social development of the body and its place in the imaginaries of work, as well as on the mechanisms of construction of memories and the relation with the narrative forms of history. María Ruido is a professor at the Department of Design and Image at the University of Barcelona.

 Art and Memory. Contemporary Artistic Initiatives

This space – which has occasional contributions from the Maçart group – is devoted to the periodical exhibition of contemporary artistic initiatives based on the relations between art and memory – individual and collective – associated with historical and political events. In this respect, priority is given to those works that, based on a documentary, emotional and reflective perspective, consider the function and influence that memory and the figure of the witness can have both in understanding 20th century history and in a possible critical approach to the complexity of today’s world.

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