Art and Memory: Pilar Farrés and Manel Puig "Memòries"

Art and Memory: Pilar Farrés and Manel Puig "Memòries"
Dis, 7. Mai 2022 - Diu, 28. Agost 2022
Art i memòria històric EN


Pilar Farrés and Manel Puig: “Memories”

MUME, Espace "Art and Memory"

From May, 7 at August, 28, 2022

Openning, Sathurday, May, 7, at 12pm

This exhibition aims to show various personal stories that all took place around the Spanish Civil War (1936-1939) in Castelló d'Empúries. Today, the main protagonists of this show tell us their stories from an adult point of view, even though they lived through the conflict when they were children. This circumstance makes these narratives that we present to you very original. They don’t tell us directly about hand-to-hand confrontation, or trenches, or combat, they tell us experiences, often traumatic, but more lively. We could say that all the events experienced by the protagonists of this exhibition are indirect consequences of the war, made without great global significance, but important at the local and personal level. The aim of the interviews is to make known that part of the war that is more civil and not so closely linked to the regime and military tactics.

Mainly, these seven interviews give us to know such outstanding situations as the execution of chaplains, of civilians, the church turned into prison, the confiscation of goods, the bombing of the Italian aviation, the blast of the New Bridge, the attempt to blow up the Old Bridge, the retreat (Retirada) of the soldiers of the Republic and the entry of the Francoist army. Also more personal matters such as the lack of food, the eternal queues of rationing to get a cut of bread or coal, the accommodation of retreating soldiers, the entry of Francoist troops.

To give veracity to the words of the protagonists of this exhibition, seven black and white photographs and in portrait format, will complement these narratives. Making the exhibition hall a space of graphic and narrative memory with an artistic installation formed with different spheres.

We are confident that these little personal stories will also help us to know, from another perspective, what the armed conflict meant.

Pilar Farrés / Manel Puig


This exhibition has the collaboration of the Castelló d'Empúries City Council.

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