Show: Exili (Exile) by the Choir "País Meu"

Show: Exili (Exile) by the Choir "País Meu"
Div, 10. Juny 2011
Altres Activitats Històric EN


Exile is a recital of popular songs of yesterday and today that recalls and pays testimony to the exodus of thousands of people before, during and after the Spanish Civil War.

                                                                  Friday, 10th June 2011

8 pm at the “La Societat” auditorium in La Jonquera

The show ends with a song of hope so that never again will anyone be forced to leave their home and land. The music alternates with the reading of historical accounts and poetry related with the events. We also offer the chance to include poems and texts written by local authors in the places where the show is performed. This is accompanied by a video creation with documentary pictures of the war and the landscapes of the bordering areas through which those exiled had to pass.


Cor País Meu performs the songs with simple stage movements but full of honest expressivity: because Exile is not so much a dramatic performance as a historical witness. We intend this to be a heartfelt homage to the people who suffered and fought for their freedom, a reminder of their value and of the need today to defend coexistence, freedom and respect for ourselves as a community.


Cor País Meu, choir

Laia Carreres, rhapsode

Tomàs Morales, diatonic accordion

Pep Prats, tarota

Montserrat Moliner, video

Lighting: Tomàs Morales

Costumes: Clara Garí

Production: Nau Côclea in Camallera and Associació Cor d’Amics de l’Aula

Arrangements, musical direction and stage direction: Ramon Manent




“L’exili”. Poem by J. Palau i Fabre

“El rossinyol”. Traditional

“Corrandes d’exili”. Pere Quart/J. Arnella

“L’emigrant”. J. Verdaguer/A. Vives

“L’exiliat”. R. Carreres


“Quan jo vaig nàixer”. Raimon

“Dos anònims”. Ovidi Montllor

“Junteu-vos”. J. Salvat-Papasseit/O. Montllor

“A Miquel Grau”. Al Tall

“Què volen aquesta gent?” Ll. Serrahima/M. del Mar Bonet

“País petit”. Lluís Llach


“Txoria txorí”. Mikel Laboa

“Company”. Canta u populu corsu

“Més lluny”. Lluís Llach

“L’estaca”. Lluís Llach

COR PAÍS MEU began in late 2009 as a polyphonic ensemble following the path started in 1999 as the Choir of the Aula de Música Tradicional i Popular (AMTP), at the Department of Culture of the Government of Catalonia, always under the direction of Ramon Manent. Throughout these years, the Choir has included AMTP students, alumni and teachers as well as other singers interested in the project.

The ensemble bases its work on the traditional and popular Catalan and Western Mediterranean repertoire, approached through the more common and spontaneous a cappella techniques and always presented to the public without an apparent conductor.

In its more than ten year life, the Choir has performed many times around Catalonia and has also often performed in Occitania and the island of Sardinia.

* For more information visit the website:

Production and organisation by: Nau Côclea

With the collaboration of: Cor País Meu

With the support of: Memorial Democràtic / Generalitat de Catalunya / Diputació de Girona

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