The words in exile, 3rd Edition. Obrint el món (Opening the world)

The words in exile, 3rd Edition. Obrint el món (Opening the world)
Dis, 10. Setembre 2011
Altres Activitats Històric EN


Words in Exile, 3rd Edition 

Opening the World

Exile Memorial Museum. La Jonquera.

10th September, 7 pm

MUME temporary exhibitions hall  


Coordination: Jordi Font and Roger Costa-Pau

Reading of texts by Teresa Pàmies, Pere Calders and Carles Fontserè,

led by the actress Gemma Gómez and the actor Albert Prat

At the Exile Memorial Museum we continue the cycle we began three years ago under the name Words in Exile. The original idea – still very much alive – was to bring to our public the routes or human experiences that so many writers have recorded in their written work. People who experienced the catastrophe of the events from 1936 onwards and who, above all, have left us the example of the unconditional commitment to the fight for dignity in all senses and also the unconditional commitment to freedom in all its forms. In this third session of the cycle we offer a reading of diverse texts by three authors of great prestige, Teresa Pàmies (Balaguer, 1919), Pere Calders (Barcelona, 1912-1994) and Carles Fontserè (Barcelona, 1916-Girona, 2007), led by the actress Gemma Gómez and the actor Albert Prat.


For more information download the poster of the event.


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