Commemoration of the Spanish Exile: Camins, caminos, chemins de la Retirada 2012

Commemoration of the Spanish Exile: Camins, caminos, chemins de la Retirada 2012
Div, 17. Febrer 2012 - Diu, 19. Febrer 2012
Altres Activitats Històric EN


Camins, caminos, chemins de la Retirada 2012

Commemoration of the Republican exile, 2012 by the Association FFREEE (Argelers)


Friday, February 17 to Sunday, February 19, 2012

Programme of the events:

Friday, 17th, Argelers (Espai Jules Pams, Valmy)

18h. Exhibition of unpublished photographs. Inauguration and institutional act.

18h. Lecture "Més enllà de la pàtria", by Magali Rieu, coordinator of the recent publication of the catalogue of iconographic material found in the Archives of the Department in Perpignan.  

Saturday, 18 Arles de Tec (Station) - Argelers

9h. Symbolic march of 2 km and discovering of commemorative plaque

12h. Pic-nic at the Dance Hall and trip to Argelers

15.30h. The Cementary of the Spaniards (Avinguda de la Retirada, Argelers). Commemoration of floral offering.

16h. Monolit on the beach of Argelers. Homage to the gypsies interned in the camp of Argelers in 1940.

17h. Valmy, Argelers. Lecture: "La maleta hispano-argelina", by Miguel Martínez, followed by a debate with witnesses.

18.30h Valmy, Argelers. Music show with the jazz trio "Steeve Laffont".

20h. Valmy, Argelers. Apéritif

21h. Valmy, Argelers. Screening of the film "La valise égarée" by P. Rousset (30 minuts)

The show, apéritif and screening all costs 10EUR.

Besides, at the Casa de l'Albera in Argelers (Plaça dels Castellans), on the 17th and 18th there will be the screening of the film "L'exode d'un peuple", by Louis Llech i Louis Isambert, 1939, from 10 to 14h and from 16 to 18h. Entrance fee: 3EUR and for groups of more than 10 persons, 2EUR.

Sunday, 19, Cotlliure (Centre Cultural de la Fundació Antonio Machado, Carrer Michelet)

9h. Welcoming by the President of the Foundation and the Mayor of Cotlliure.

9.45h Lecture

11.15h Writing and literary awards Antonio Machado.

12.30. Floral offering at the tomb of Antonio Machado.

16h. Homage to Manolo Valiente. Mis-en-scène of the poems of Manolo Valiente. Music by J. F. Ortiz and choreography by Sandra Díaz.

For more information:

Rosy Goded, Presidenta de l'Associació FFREEE, Tel. 0033 468815117

Associació FFREEE website 

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