Exposición: Rafael Ramis. Promoter of the Trade Unionism of the civil servants of Catalonia

Exposición: Rafael Ramis. Promoter of the Trade Unionism of the civil servants of Catalonia
Dis, 14. Setembre 2019 - Dil, 30. Setembre 2019
Exposició Temporal Històric EN


Exhibition Rafael Ramis. Promoter of the Trade Unionism of the civil servants of Catalonia

From 14 to 30 September 2019, in the MUME hall

Opening: Saturday, September 14 at 12 noon

This exhibition was born as a result of the publication of the book Rafael Ramis (1880-1936). Catalanist, republican, socialist and Freemason (Edicions Cal·lígraf), written by Joan Armangué about this versatile man who articulated and improved the rights of public employees during the Second Republic.

The inauguration ceremony will be attended by the Director of the MUME, Alfons Quera, the Secretary General of the UGT in Girona, Xavier Casas, The President of the MUME Consortium and Mayor of La Jonquera, Sònia Martínez and the author of the biography of Rafel Ramis, Joan Armangué.

Joan Armangué, author of the book Rafael Ramis (1880-1936). Catalanist, republican, socialist and Freemason (Edicions Cal·lígraf), he points out that Ramis was a man of values ​​and ideals. A man who worked in the service of republicanism, socialism and Catalanism, always with the desire to build a better and fairer country. In spite of all the made fact, its figure and its work fell in the forgetfulness. I personally had the first news from Master Ramis, in the 1980s, talking to a veteran socialist militant. Later, as mayor, every time we celebrated a tribute to the republican teachers (Pere Masó, Josep Pey or Pere Bruguera), the alumni always ended up evoking the figure of Ramis ».

Apart from his professional activity as a teacher, Ramis founded, among other initiatives, the Federal Nationalist Republican Union and the weekly Empordà Federal, of which he was its first director. For eight years (from 1912 and in two different stages) he was the first deputy mayor of the City Council and was the promoter and director of many entities in the city, such as the Casino Menestral or the Orfeó Germanor Empordanesa. Politically, in 1922, he took part in the creation of the Socialist Union of Catalonia, a party in which he served until his death and became the first socialist councilor in Figueres.

During the dictatorship of General Primo de Rivera he went into exile with his family in Paris, where they lived for seven years. “Because he was a man faithful to his principles and a tireless worker, he ended up becoming a man trusted by Francesc Macià. This fact led him to take part in the events of Prats de Molló », remembers Armangué. That attempt to invade Catalonia by Ripollès and La Garrotxa ended up being frustrated by a denunciation.

Returning to Catalonia, after the end of the dictatorship, Ramis settled in Barcelona. He did not hold any political office, but founded and chaired the Association of Officials of the Generalitat de Catalunya. “He defended a trade unionism capable of agglutinating all categories of civil servants. He was in favor of promoting mutualism, co-operatives, the promotion of cheap houses and carrying out more vindictive action. He was committed to a modern, European-style trade unionism ", concludes the author of his biography. Ramis died on January 3, 1936 in Figueres, the victim of a lung disease that had been dragging him for two years before and that had taken him away from professional and public life. His death prompted several obituary articles with the Catalan press and condolences from various political representatives.

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