Pedagogical Seminar of the MUME, 5th Edition, 2012

Pedagogical Seminar of the MUME, 5th Edition, 2012
Dij, 5. Juliol 2012 - Div, 6. Juliol 2012
Altres Activitats Històric EN


5th Edition, Pedagogic Seminar of the MUME 

Discover the history of nowadays. The testimonies as a resource to work the memory. 

Thursday, 5 and Friday, 6, July, 2012 

Schedule: Thursday, from 10h to 15h, Friday, from 10h to 18h. 

Place: Museu Memorial de l'Exili (MUME). C/Major, 43-47 - La Jonquera

These sessions are organized jointly by the ICE (Josep Pallach-UdG Institute of Education Sciences) and the MUME, with the collaboration of Educ'art. Its target audience is primary and secondary school teachers who are interested in issues related to the history and memory of the 20th century and today.

The program will be as follows: 

Thursday, 5 

10h- Presentation of the sessions by Jordi Font (MUME) and Miquel Àngel Ruiz (ICE-Josep Pallach)

10:15h- The oral resources, a tool for historic research by Enric Saguer, (professor Economic History, UdG)

11,00h- Coffee break 

11:15h- Democratic memory and recent history. The didactic application of the work with oral sources in primary and secondary, by Gemma Tribó (Professor of Teaching Social Sciences, UB)

12:00 h- Documentary screening "Corsino by Cole Kivlin" by Luis Argeo. Presentation of the author. This documentary chronicles the life experience of an Asturian "boy" exiled during the Civil War currently living in the United States.

13.00h - Debate

14:00h- Lunch 

15:30 to 17:30 - Pedagogical experiences of transmitting memory in schools and institutes

With the participation of testimonies Serge Barba (Associació FFREEE) i Jordi Riera / Narcís Oliveres (Associació El Triangle Blau)

Debate with participants chaired by  Educar’t.

Friday, 6 

10h- Guided tour of the permanent exhibition of the Museu Memorial de l’Exili. (Servei Educatiu MUME)

11,30h- Coffee break

12:00h- How to explain relevant aspects of the recent history of the Girona region through oral sources. Jordi Gaitx (historian and member of the MUME Scientific and Pedagogical Advisory Board)

13: 00h-The Sant Adrià dels Besòs air raid shelter. An example of an educational experience with the use of witnesses. Jordi Vilalta (Responsible for the Refuge of Placeta Macià)

14:00h  Lunch 

15:30h- Presentation of the documentary "No darse por vencido" by Henri Belin and Susana Arbizu. (This documentary focuses on the case of Daniel Serrano, a 92-year-old Republican exiled in Paris, who demands from the Spanish Government the moral reparation of his brother killed during the Civil War. Emotional and able to convey the aspects that are yet to come. resolve in Spain in relation to the immediate past.

17:15h- Debate 

18:00h- End of the sessions 


For more information: MUME ( Aquesta adreça de correu-e està protegida dels robots de spam.Necessites Javascript habilitat per veure-la. i 972 556533

Organised by : 

ICE Josep Pallach (UdG)



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