National Day of Exile and Deportation 2018. Commemoration in Prats de Molló

National Day of Exile and Deportation 2018. Commemoration in Prats de Molló
Diu, 11. Febrer 2018
Altres Activitats Històric EN


National Day of Exile and Deportation 2018. Commemoration in Prats de Molló

Sunday, February 11, at 3:30 p.m.

The event will take place in Prats de Molló (Vallespir, Northern Catalonia / Department of the Pyrenees Orientales / France).

The event will involve a dignification of the memorial of the grave where the remains of the refugees who died in Prats de Molló during the Retreat of 1939, in the municipal cemetery and the placement of a memorial plaque in the building of the Schools in homage and gratitude to the inhabitants of Prats de Molló for solidarity with the republican refugees.


3:30 pm Meeting at the roundabout of the Catalan Countries.

16:00 Visit to the cemetery of Prats. Concentration in the mass grave where Republican refugees lie.

Inauguration of a memorial tombstone engraved with the names of the refugees and floral offering. Mr. Claude Ferrer, Mayor of Prats de Molló, Mr. Floreal Falcó, a witness who will say a few words on behalf of the Republican refugees, Mrs. Carme Garcia, Director General of Institutional Relations and Parliament (Department of Institutional and Foreign Affairs and Relations and Transparency of the Generalitat de Catalunya). Act presented by Mr. Pere Manzanares (Roots Radio)

4:30 pm Return to Le Foiral Square and gathering in front of the schools. Inauguration of a commemorative plaque in memory of the solidarity of the people of Prats de Molló towards the republican refugees. Act presented by Mr. Pere Manzanares (Ràdio Arrels). Mr. Claude Ferrer, Mrs. Paula Noëll, granddaughter of Joseph Noëll-Floquet, mayor of Prats de Molló in 1939, Mrs. Mercedes Guix, descendant of republican refugees, housed in Prats de Molló, Mrs. Carme Garcia. The musical performance by Muriel Perpigna Falzon, from the Angelets de la Terra collective, who will perform the songs Venim del nord, venim del sud, Abril 74 and L'estaca.

5:30 pm Refreshment in the “Foyer Rural” room, in Plaça le Foiral, where the exhibition “La retirada a Prats de Molló” is located, with a photographic and documentary collection by Patrick Lluís.

18:00 Farewell to the day.

Més informació de l'acte del Dia Nacional de l'Exili al web de la Generalitat de Catalunya

Nota de premsa de l'acte de Prats de Molló 2018

Organitza: Generalitat de Catalunya

Amb la col·laboració de: Ajuntament de Prats de Molló i Museu Memorial de l'Exili.

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