Concert by VerdCel: Sota les cunetes. Justícia! (Under the ditches. Justice!)

Concert by VerdCel: Sota les cunetes. Justícia! (Under the ditches. Justice!)
Dij, 22. Febrer 2018
Altres Activitats Històric EN


Concert by VerdCel

Under the ditches. Justice!

The soundtrack of the fight against Francoism

MUME, Thursday, February 22, 2018, at 9 p.m.

Admission: € 10

Limited places

Ticket reservation: 972556533

The show Under the ditches. Justice! is a choral concert in tribute to the victims of the terror of the Franco regime to condemn all the violence suffered. It reminds us that music is living memory; that it is a useful tool for joining forces and demanding that at once the pain suffered be reimbursed as much as possible, that society keep the memory of the facts in mind and call on the authorities to do everything necessary in this regard, now that it’s been 80 years since the war.

Under the ditches. Justice! they are the songs of our life, the songs of the New Song performed by seven young voices. Songs that show the breath of life and the stubborn beat under the dictatorship, titles with great evocative power as the soundtrack of the anti-Franco struggle and that are now turned into a loud and clear cry against impunity for the crimes committed.

The references are Bonet, Raimon, Ovidi, Llach, Pi de la Serra, Rossell, Serrat, Ribalta, Isaac, Giné, d’Efak, Rebull and Muntaner. Songs that inspire and motivate the musical group VerdCel in a show that makes the audience stand up to sing, get excited, rebel and shout "justice". Under the ditches. Justice! premiered in 2016 at the Barradas Auditorium in Hospitalet de Llobregat.

This concert is part of the program of commemorative events of the Retreat "Paths of Retreat 2018" organized by the Association FFREEE (Son and Daughters of Spanish Republicans and Children of the Exodus) of Algiers which will take place between 22 and on February 25, 2018 in La Jonquera, Algiers, Sant Llorenç de Cerdans and Collioure.

More information on the VerdCel music training website

Acte Òmnium 2016

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