Catalunya LiberPress Award 2012

Catalunya LiberPress Award 2012
Dij, 18. Octubre 2012
Altres Activitats Històric EN


Catalunya LiberPress Awards 2012


El MUME ha estat reconegut amb el Premi Catalunya Liberpress, que serà atorgat oficialment el 18 d'octubre de 2012 a Girona.

The MUME has been recognized with the Catalunya Liberpress Award, which will be officially awarded on October 18, 2012 in Girona.

Sami Naïr, Josep Fontana, Manu Chao and MUME, are among the LiberPress 2012 Awards They will also receive the Award Elías Querejeta, Pedro Miguel Etxenike, Manuel Costa-Pau, Descendants and Friends of Elna's Maternity Friends (DAME) and children who died in the concentration camp of Argelès-sur-Roussillon.

For the LiberPress Association, "The Exile Memorial Museum receives the LiberPress Catalonia 2012 Award because it is an idea, an institution, an almost perfect project that defends human rights, and because it investigates the identity of one of the most painful episodes of humanity: the road to exile, the displaced, the refugee camps, the suffering of having to leave the country, especially with reference to the defeat and exile of Spanish Republicans abroad. It is a great pride for Catalonia and for humanity and it should be better known and recognized. "

For the historian Josep Fontana (Barcelona, 1931), "for his great historical and essay work" and "for the constant rebellion and denunciation of the economic and social impositions of the established system". And the award to an institution or entity has been given to the Jonquera Exile Memorial Museum, the Mume, an "important" museum, according to McCragh, a LiberPress Association representative, "should be visited more often ".

These prizes are awarded by the LiberPress Association ( and the free event will take place on October 18, 2012 at 8pm in the Girona Auditorium. 

Més informació a:

El Punt Avui 10/10/2012

El Punt Avui (19-10-2012)

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