Presentation of the dossier The republican exile and the Girona counties, eighty years after the Revista de Girona no. 315 (July 2019)

Presentation of the dossier The republican exile and the Girona counties, eighty years after the Revista de Girona no. 315 (July 2019)
Dim, 23. Juliol 2019
Altres Activitats Històric EN


Presentation of the dossier The republican exile and the Girona counties, eighty years after the Revista de Girona no. 315 (July 2019)

MUME, Tuesday, July 23 at 6:30 p.m.

Issue 315 of the Revista de Girona includes a dossier on the republican exile and various aspects related to the Girona counties, on the occasion of the 80th anniversary of the end of the war and the beginning of the exile. Under the coordination of Jordi Font, Director of the Democratic Memorial, several authors, researchers and specialists in exile issues propose 8 articles on different perspectives to approach a more detailed knowledge of the republican exile in the field of counties of Girona.

The presentation will be attended by Sònia Martínez, Mayor of La Jonquera, Albert Piñeira, Second Vice President of the Diputació de Girona, Gerard Bagué, Director of the Revista de Girona, Jordi Font, Coordinator of the dossier and Director of the Memorial Democràtic and Alfons Quera, Director MUME.

DOSSIER: The republican exile and the counties of Girona, eighty years later



Introduction> Jordi Font (coordinator)

Girona, door of exile> Joaquim Nadal

The impact of exile in the cultural field> Enric Pujol

Remember exile. The egodocuments of the Girona emigration of 1939> Jordi Gaitx

The exile of the magisterium> Salomó Marquès

The Friendly Country. From the counties of Girona the Mexican plateau> Gemma Domènech and Carles Ribera

Ruptures, persistences and reinventions> Narcís Selles

Writers in exile: Aurora Bertrana, Maria ÀngelsVayreda and Carme Montoriol> Cristina Massanés

The MUME in the recovery of the legacy of the republican exile> Miquel Serrano

coberta rdg 315 BR 001r

More informations of Revista de Girona at website de la Diputació de Girona.

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