Art and memory: Marco Noris

Art and memory: Marco Noris
Dis, 28. Octubre 2017 - Diu, 11. Febrer 2018
Art i memòria històric EN


Art and memory: Marco Noris

"At the border", by Marco Noris

From October 28, 2017 - February 11, 2018

For the last four years I have worked the landscape as a stage and as a border, but always from the comfort and distance of the workshop. It was then the need for direct experience, for me to get involved and confront unfiltered reality that pushed me to write “On the Border”.

The project, executed in the summer of 2017, consisted of walking the entire Spanish-French border in the province of Girona, between Andorra and Portbou, and making a small piece of oil or drawing for each of the 198 hulls that mark the border boundary. It is not so much a visual documentation of the mugues (its photographic cataloging, on the other hand, has already been done), as an emotional recording of the environment, according to the geographical and environmental conditions. they gave. For this reason, the extreme connection with the environment and with the present moment that allows the pleinairist painting, was a fundamental element so that the project acquired a strong experiential value. In this sense, the pieces were not the goal of the journey: the experience itself was the goal, the experience of making and being a frontier, the introspection of a long journey into nature, the journey and its difficulties. Paint pieces as if they were markers and walk together points along the border, like a balance in this invisible line that divides into two what is one, making the invisible visible, thus unfolding a new scenario of memory.

Project produced with the support of BCN Producció’17. La Capella, Barcelona Institute of Culture.

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