International Art Day, 2016

International Art Day, 2016
Dis, 16. abril 2016
Altres Activitats Històric EN


International Art Day (2016)

Guided tour of the installation “El tiempo se acaba” (Time is running out) by Rafael Segovia-Winglet.

Saturday, April 16, 2016 from 11.30 to 12h. 

Museu Memorial de l’Exili (Espai Hall – Espai Art i Memòria. Propostes artístiques contemporànies)

Guided tour by the director of the MUME, Jordi Font.

Presentation of the work "El tiempo se acabada" by Rafael Segovia-Winglet, exhibited at the MUME, and his artistic work around family history linked to the civil war and exile. The articulation of painting, archival documents, objects and period photography generates an enriching story. The transposition of historical time and the time of family memory into a plastic time allows the viewer to approach the Civil War and the Republican exile in a poetic way.

El tiempo se acaba (Time is running out)

Pictorial, documental and object installation 

The exhibition “El tiempo se acaba” by the French-Spanish artist Rafael Segovia-Winglet is made up of four works: La tierra de los sin nombre, an installation of objects; The time is over, a pictorial diptych that gives title to the exhibition set; Family, a composition of family photographs and archival documents and Heroes, a composition of photo-painting. Each of these four works deals with an aspect of the story of a family of Republican exiles, that of the artist Rafael Segovia-Winglet himself. Thus, the dialogue between the works allows the viewer to approach in different ways a story about exile in which he may recognize his own experiences.

Faced with the biographies of the great historical figures, the artist Segovia-Winglet proposes to focus on the short stories, on the biographies of those who were left out of the history books. In addition, he proposes to replace the official story with that of the intimate memory created within the families and lived by the protagonists of the "little story". Segovia-Winglet has recovered the intimate experiences and stories about exile that were told to his family, thus presenting as visual poetry the experiences of his great-grandfather Leandro, his grandfather Pepe and his grand-aunt María.

For more information about the artist Rafael Segovia-Winglet

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