Presentation of the book: Quan calmin els mals vents, tornaré, by Pilar Francès.

Presentation of the book: Quan calmin els mals vents, tornaré, by Pilar Francès.
Sáb, 30. Marzo 2019
Altres Activitats Històric EN

Descripción del evento

Presentation of the book Quan calmin els mals vents, tornaré (When the bad winds calm down, I will return), by Pilar Francès.

Saturday, March 30, 2019

MUME, at 11am

When the bad winds calm down, I will return (Editorial Gregal, 2019) is the title of the work that the writer Pilar Francès has dedicated to family history focused on the exile of her grandfather Josep Francès Novella (Onil, 1906 - Sant Feliu de Guíxols , 1989). As a result of research carried out by the same author, the book recovers and pays homage to the memory of the Republican exile through her own experience and family biography.

The French family will donate, on the day of the presentation of the book, a documentary and testimonial collection on the exile of Josep Francès, which will be partially exhibited in the Hall of the MUME.

The presentation will be given by the emeritus professor of History of Education, Salomó Marquès, the Director of the MUME, Jordi Font and the author, Pilar Francès.

More information about the book:

Costa Brava TV (Presentació del llibre a Sant Feliu de Guíxols, 15 de febrer de 2019)

Ajuntament de Sant Feliu de Guíxols

Editorial Gregal


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