Exhibition "Exiled women. The intertwined red threads"
- Título:
- Exhibition "Exiled women. The intertwined red threads"
- Cuándo:
- Sáb, 11. Marzo 2023 - Dom, 22. Octubre 2023
- Categoría:
- Exposició Temporal Històric EN
Descripción del evento
Exhibition "Exiled women. The intertwined red threads"
From March 11 to October 22, 2023
Curated by Teresa Fèrriz Roure and documentation by Felip Solé and Véronique Salou Olivares
Graphic design and exhibition: Mireia Luna Areny
The exhibition follows the trace of 20 profiles of exiled women from different political, professional and social trajectories, an approach to republican exile through a gender perspective.
The exiled women of 1939 struggled against a double vulnerability, as women and as political refugees, with the resources that each one had at their disposal: training, political militancy, personal networks, economic resources... But beyond what singled them out, they shared a common way of seeing the world —debtor of the social and civil rights achieved during the Republic— and made mutual support, solidarity and cooperation the basic strategies for survival, in the hardest moments, and resilience and empowerment, after.
Throughout the exhibition we delve into the life stories of the exiles and their capacity for action, will and power to transform their own lives and those around them. We call and make visible several generations of women who maintained their commitment and conviction, despite everything and despite so much.
The present memory of the exiles, that of those who came to the exhibition and many more that will continue to be made visible and studied in the coming years, thus becomes an irreplaceable part of our democratic memory.
You can access the texts of the exhibition in Catalan, Spanish, French and English through the following link.
You can access the press release and supporting images through the following link.
The exhibition, which is part of the cultural activities program for the museum's 15th anniversary, which opened in 2008, can be visited in the MUME temporary exhibition hall until Sunday, September 3.
Teresa Fèrriz Roure is responsible for the New Projects unit of the Open University of Catalonia (UOC). She has directed numerous digital projects oriented towards online teaching and open broadcasting, and has also carried out specialized research projects on the Catalan exile in America.