Presentation of the book: La tragedia de l'exili republicà català (The tragedy of the Catalan Republican exile) by Tàrio Rubio

Presentation of the book: La tragedia de l'exili republicà català (The tragedy of the Catalan Republican exile) by Tàrio Rubio
Jue, 12. Febrero 2009
Altres Activitats Històric EN

Descripción del evento

Presentation of the book "La tragèdia de l’exili republicà català" by Tàrio Rubio.

Tàrio Rubio, born in 1920, was taken prisoner during the war and interned in camps and disciplinary battalions. He wrote the book "Per les presons de Franco”. This book offers an overview of exile and makes an assessment of the loss suffered by Catalonia while providing elements of personal experience.

In collaboration with the Department of Social Action and Citizenship of the Generalitat de Catalunya.

Place: headquarters of the University of Girona Foundation. Innovation and Training.

12 February 2009 at 7 pm


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