Presentation of the book: Ombres sota un cel radiant (Shadows under a radiant sky) by Mercè Eittinghausen

Presentation of the book: Ombres sota un cel radiant (Shadows under a radiant sky) by Mercè Eittinghausen
Sáb, 15. Octubre 2011
Altres Activitats Històric EN

Descripción del evento

Presentation of the book "Ombres sota un cel radiant” (Shadows under a radiant sky), by Mercè Eittinghausen, published by CCG Edicions, 2009.

MUME, Saturday, Octoer 15, at 11h.


The presentation will be by the director of the MUME, Jordi Font, and the author, Mercè Ettinghausen. After the presentation, there will be the inauguration of the temporary exhition “Virgilio. Virgili Batlle Vallmajó. La radicalitat estètica d’un pintor català anarcosindicalista exiliat a Tolosa”, which can be visited at the MUME from October 15, 2011 to January 15, 2012. 

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