International Holocaust Victims Commemoration Day 2020

International Holocaust Victims Commemoration Day 2020
Mar, 28. Enero 2020
Altres Activitats Històric EN

Descripción del evento

International Holocaust Victims Commemoration Day 2020


Tuesday, January 28, at 10 p.m.

Room of the "La Unió Jonquerenca" Society

Event for students from various secondary schools in the Alt Empordà region (La Jonquera, Figueres, Vilafant, Roses, l'Escala and Castelló d'Empúries) on the occasion of the International Day of Commemoration of the victims of the Holocaust and crime prevention against humanity.

January 27 - the anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz - is the date designated by the United Nations as International Holocaust Victim Commemoration Day.

This year is especially important because it marks the 75th anniversary of the release of the extermination camp where the Nazis killed more than a million people in just over four years.

This year's motto is "Stand Together."


9.45 -10h. Arrival at the MUME

10.30am - 12pm. Conference and discussion with Dory Sontheimer (family member of deportees to the Auschwitz concentration and extermination camp and author of "The Seven Boxes" and "The Eighth Box")

12.15h-13.30h. Guided tours of the permanent and temporary exhibition of the MUME and the bunkers of 1943 de la Jonquera.


Organized by:

Exile, Deportation and Holocaust Working Group

SEAE (Alt Empordà Educational Service)

education Department



With the collaboration of:

County Council of the Alt Empordà

Democratic Memorial

City council of the Jonquera

28G GEDH 2020red

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