Cinema, Memory and Exile. Recording of the Radio 3 (RNE) “El séptimo vicio” 

Cinema, Memory and Exile. Recording of the Radio 3 (RNE) “El séptimo vicio” 
Jue, 16. Febrero 2017
Altres Activitats Històric EN

Descripción del evento

Cinema, Memory and Exile. Recording of the Radio 3 (RNE) program “El séptimo vicio” at the MUME dedicated to cinema and historical memory, presented and directed by Javier Tolentino.

Thursday, February 16 at 4 p.m.

Open to all audiences

With the participation of:

Jordi Font, director of the MUME

Salomó Marquès, Professor Emeritus of History of Education (UdG) and researcher on the exile of teachers

Isa Campos, film director and screenwriter

Isaki Lacuesta, film director and screenwriter

Marina Rossell, singer-songwriter

Screening of the film “El honor de las injúrias”, by Carlos García-Alix

Thursday, February 16 at 4 p.m.

Open to all audiences


More information:

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