20J: Day in defense of the rights of refugees, at La Jonquera

20J: Day in defense of the rights of refugees, at La Jonquera
Lun, 20. Junio 2016
Altres Activitats Històric EN

Descripción del evento


20J: Conference in defense of the rights of refugees, in La Jonquera

The UGT of Catalonia is organizing a Conference in defense of the rights of refugees on June 20 at 11 am at the Exile Memorial Museum in La Jonquera (Carrer Major, 43-47). The program of the day is as follows:

Welcome by:

Sònia Martínez, Mayor of La Jonquera.

Jordi Font, director of the Exile Memorial Museum.

Xavier Casas, Secretary General of the UGT - Comarques Gironines.

Personal experiences of:

José Mata, son of a Spanish exile living in France. Maria Gracia Lacruz, a refugee in the Algiers camp. Jamal Waez, Syrian refugee living in Girona. Closing by Camil Ros, Secretary General of the UGT of Catalonia.

Finally, visit the exhibition "La Jonquera, gate of exile".

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Poster of the day. http://www.ugt.cat/contenido/uploads/2016/06/cartel_corregit-2.jpg

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