Welcome to the Memorial Museum of Exile Consortium’s website.

Here are the conditions of use of this website. The navigation grants you the user role and therefore we consider you accept the clauses detailed in this document.



In accordance with the provisions of article 10 of Law 34/2002 of July 11, on services of the information society and electronic commerce, it is hereby informed that this website is property of the Museum’s Consortium, with ID G55024038, registered office at Carrer Major, 43-47 17700 La Jonquera, phone 0034 972556533 and email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..



As a user of this website, you must use the services and contents offered in a responsible manner, while respecting current legislation.

It is banned to carry out any action that may cause alterations to the contents of this website or a malfunction thereof, including the introduction of viruses or similar.



The website pages and the information or the elements it contains, including texts, documents, photographs, drawings, graphic representations, databases, videos and also logos, trademarks, trade names, or other distinctive signs are protected by copyright, of which the Consortium of the Memorial Museum of Exile is a legitimate owner or licensee.

Any type of exploitation, including any type of reproduction, distribution, assignment to third parties, public communication and transformation without prior and express authorization, is banned.



Our intention is to offer a website that has a continuous operation and of maximum quality. In any case, we inform you that the pages may be impeded or interrupted by factors or circumstances beyond our control.

The Consortium of the Memorial Museum of Exile is not responsible for the information and other contents integrated into spaces or websites of third parties accessible through links.

The Consortium of the Memorial Museum of Exile is not responsible for the damages that may arise, among others, of:

  • Interference, interruptions, failures, omissions, telephone breakdowns, delays, blockages or disconnections in the operation of the electronic system, motivated by deficiencies, overloads and errors in the lines and networks of telecommunications.
  • Illegal intromissions through the use of malignant programs of any type and through any means of communication.
  • Improper or inadequate use of the website.
  • Errors caused by a malfunction of the browser or for the use of non-updated versions of the browser.

The user, in case of causing damages for the illicit or incorrect use of this website, may be claimed for the damages caused.

What’s more, the user will respond for any damage caused by the use of "robots", "spiders", ... or similar tools used to obtain or extract data or any other action on his part imposing an unreasonable charge on the operation of the website.



In the browsing of our website, it is possible that you collect certain personal data, necessary for the provision of the requested services.

Specifically, you can provide us with information in the following sections:

  • Registration to the Newsletter. We will use your contact information to send you information about new exhibitions and other cultural activities. These data will be preserved in the CORREU file.
  • Testimony of exile form. We will use your contact information to register it with the information base on informants about exile, and the data on exiled people to create a historical archive of Republican exile testimonies, which may form part of the temporary or permanent exhibition of the museum. These data will be preserved in the TESTIMONIAL file.
  • Booking form. We will use your information to register the educational services you wish to hire. These data will be preserved in the WEB file.
  • Contact form. We will use your contact information to answer to the queries you may have. These data will be preserved in the WEB file.

According to the provisions of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of April 27, 2016, on the Protection of Personal Data, we inform you that the person responsible for the processing of the data provided by you in one of the previous sections is the Consortium of the Memorial Museum of Exile. Likewise, there is a Data Protection delegate, who can contact the email address This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or by writing to the Memorial Museum of Exile Consortium’s (Major, 43-47 17700 La Jonquera), indicating the reference "Data Protection Delegate".

Third-party data cession will not be made unless we are bound by any legal regulations or because you have given us prior consent.

The collected personal information is stored in a database owned by the Memorial Museum of Exile Consortium’, which assumes the technical, organizational and security measures that guarantee the confidentiality and integrity of the information.

Please let us know any modification of your personal data so that the information is constantly updated and contains no errors. Likewise, with the acceptance of this legal notice, you acknowledge that the information and personal data collected are accurate and truthful.

At any time you may exercise the right to access, rectify and, if necessary, cancel personal data, by means of a written communication addressed to the Memorial Museum of the Exile Consortium’s  c / Major, 43-47 17700- La Jonquera, or by sending an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

We remind you that you can always file a complaint with the Data Protection Agency (www.agpd.es).



This website will use cookies when the user navigates. Cookies are only associated with an anonymous user and their computer and do not provide references that allow the user's name and surname to be deduced. The user has the option of preventing the generation of cookies, by selecting the corresponding option in their browser program.

Cookies are files that can be downloaded to your computer through web pages. They are tools that play an essential role for the provision of numerous services of the information society. Among others, they allow a web page to store and retrieve information about the browsing habits of a user or his team, and depending on the information obtained, they can be used to recognize the user and improve the service offered.

Types of cookies

Depending on the entity that manages the domain from which the cookies are sent and treated the data obtained, two types can be distinguished: own cookies and third party cookies.

There is also a second classification according to the time period that is stored in the client's browser, being session cookies or persistent cookies.

Finally, there is another classification with five types of cookies according to the purpose for which the data obtained: technical cookies, customization cookies, analytics cookies, advertising cookies and behavioral advertising cookies.

For more information you can consult the Guide on the use of cookies of the Spanish Agency for Data Protection

Cookies used on the web

Cookies of a technical nature and to accept cookies

  • • jfcookie [lang] -> cookie to select the language of the web

Third-party cookies:

Name Owner Purpose Duration

__utmz, __utmc, __utma, __utmb,__utmt, _ga, _gat

Google Inc.

(Google Analytics)

They measure the interactions of users on the websites. Distinguish between session users and between the different tracking objects created in the Session

session and persistent


Google Inc.

Store user preferences.



>Google Inc.

Advertising to websites that do not belong to Google. They are stored in browsers in the domain doubleclick.net


Acceptance of the Cookies Policy

Our company assumes that you accept the use of cookies. However, it shows information about the Cookies Policy at the top of any portal page with each login so that you are aware of it.

In front of this information it is possible to carry out the following actions:

  • Accept cookies. This notice will not be displayed again when accessing any portal page during this session.
  • Close. The warning is hidden on this page.
  • Modify the configuration. You can obtain more information about what are cookies, know the Cookies Policy and modify the settings of your browser.

How to modify the configuration of cookies

You can restrict, block or delete cookies, using your browser. In each browser the operation is different, the Help feature will show you how to do it.

  • Internet Explorer: windows.microsoft.com/en-xl/internet-explorer/delete-manage-cookies#ie=ie-10
  • FireFox: support.mozilla.org/en/kb/Barrar%20cookies
  • Chrome: support.google.com/chrome/answer/95647?hl=en
  • Safari: www.apple.com/es/privacy/use-of-cookies/

In addition, you can also manage the storage of cookies in your browser through tools such as:

  • Ghostery: www.ghostery.com/

Your online choices: www.youronlinechoices.com/es/



Any controversy that originates or is related to the use of the website will be subject to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the Spanish courts.

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