Constitution of the Walter Benjamin, Memory and Exile Chair

In autumn 2012, the University of Girona, Portbou Town Council and the Exile Memorial Museum (MUME) Consortium established the Walter Benjamin, Memory and Exile Chair. This chair, dependent on the University of Girona with headquarters in Girona, La Jonquera and Portbou, will be a permanent centre for study, reflection, research and promotion of issues related to Walter Benjamin, memory and exile.

The creation of this Walter Benjamin, Memory and Exile Chair seeks to highlight the presence, in the area of Girona, of this internationally renowned figure. Moreover, as well as the academic treatment given to these subjects and the life and work of Walter Benjamin, the aim is to achieve greater dissemination of all these issues throughout Girona society. Therefore, the objectives of creating the Chair would be to preserve the legacy of Benjamin and his time, the relevance of his academic and cultural work linked with the study of exile as a general phenomenon and the promotion of this important legacy throughout the area of Girona.

The creation of the Chair must help the consolidation of activities already initiated by MUME and contribute to the preservation of Portbou as a place of essential memory of international scope based around the figure of the German-Jewish philosopher Walter Benjamin.

The Chair can carry out the following activities:

1. Congresses, seminars, symposia, meetings, workshops, etc., on current issues within the sphere of the Chair, with the participation of specialists of recognised prestige. These activities will be aimed at a specialised audience or will be open to all, according to themes and interests.

2. Activities of all kinds, such as courses or lectures, to collaborate on and directly promote the activities and exhibitions organised by the Exile Memorial Museum and the International Symposia on Walter Benjamin in Portbou.

3. Actions to foster and channel research projects in the framework of investigation related to Walter Benjamin.

4. Editing and publishing of all kinds of scientific or educational works related with the issues of the Chair.


More information at:

Notícia al diari El Punt Avui (1/09/2012)

Exposició temporal al Museu d'Història dels Jueus sobre Walter Benjamin


virtual visit eng1 250p




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