Objectives of the Exile Memorial Museum

In keeping with its objectives and its museological project, the Exile Memorial Museum is a facility for conservation but also research and dissemination.

To this end, the Consortium’s aims and objectives are the following:

a) The management of the museum for the dissemination and memorial commemoration of exile-related issues as well as working with the Walter Benjamin Chair Memory and Exile at Girona University in the preparation of actions for the promotion and development of projects on the figure of Walter Benjamin. Moreover, the Consortium will also provide historical and technical advice for the conservation of other sites, places and signposting located in its surrounding area and that form part of the Network of Democratic Memory Sites of Catalonia.

b) Foster the systematic recovery of the legacy of exile and Catalan contemporary diaspora.

c) Promote the study of exile as a historical constant as one of the most notable phenomena in the history and democratic memory of contemporary Catalonia.

d) Establish points of contact with another historical and current phenomena: migrations, exoduses and other forced displacements and persecutions of people because of their ideas of freedom, democracy and social progress.

e) Act as a driver of territorial projects on the exile caused by the Spanish Civil War, forced displacement of people provoked by Second World War, and the persecution of people because of their ideology, culture and ethnic origin. Moreover, special attention will be given to the significance of antifascist resistance in 20th century Europe.

f) Become a territorial centre of reference on these issues within the arrangement plan of the Memorial Sites of Catalonia, in accordance with Order IRP/91/2010 of 18 February for the creation of the Network of Democratic Memory Sites of Catalonia; and invigorate the recovery, signposting and dissemination of paths, sites and vestiges of the Republican exile and Second World War in relation to the aforementioned Network.

g) Establish joint work and maintain relations, on the one hand, with bodies with similar objectives and, in particular, with the French and German institutions linked to the 1939 Republican exile, the Nazi occupation during Second World War, the fight against fascism, and deportation in concentration and extermination camps. Moreover, establish contacts and create ways of cooperating with archives, cultural centres, foundations, museums and faculties that preserve collections and documentation on Walter Benjamin or deal with issues close to the thought and work of the German philosopher.

h) Foster citizens’ critical training, the dissemination of democratic values and the achievement of a fairer and freer world.

i) Culturally invigorate the town of La Jonquera, especially in the field of historical heritage and democratic memory and place it on the memorial map.

For more information, please refer to the ACORD DOGC GOV / 43/2015 of 24 March, by which the modification of the statutes of certain consortiums approved, majority-owned by the Generalitat de Catalunya.

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