Thousands of men and women were marked for life by the exile. The exceptionally traumatic nature of the experience meant that for years afterwards, many of the exiles kept in their possession different kinds of documents that bear witness to their ordeal. This space shows alternating exhibitions of some of the materials lent or donated by the people who lived through the Republican exile. These sources enable us to contemplate the exile from a more personal, individual perspective.

Since 2009, in this section located on the first floor, next to the room "The Legacy of Exile", we exhibit documentation and original objects related to Miquel Santaló, Catalan Republican politician, Bernat Olivé, Republican fighter from the Second Civil War and Second World War, Josep Mir, exiled Republican teacher, or from the Burguès-Padrós family, exiled in Mexico.

The testimonies of the Serra-Miralles family, formed by Miquel Serra Grabulosa (Roda de Ter, 1921 - Perpignan, 1989) and Lluïsa Miralles Forcadell (Ulldecona, 1927), exiled in France after the Civil War. Miquel Serra survived more than 4 years in the Mauthausen concentration camp, the documentation of the Vilalta-Florensa family, formed by two professors exiled in France: Josep Vilalta Pont (1904-1987) and Maria Florensa Tudela (1911-2007), the testimony of exiled journalist Ramon Boix or the Figueres Cos Roget family.

In recent years we have presented in this space biographies of exiles, examples of exiles in Mexico, such as the photographic exhibition of the Barroso Camarena family, who evacuated their 4 children to Mexico in 1937 or the testimony of the family of professors Miret Chacopino.

As an extension and complement to this section, we provide you with the link to the Bank for Democratic Memory, created by the Democratic Memorial (Ministry of Justice - Generalitat de Catalunya) on the occasion of the commemoration of the 70th anniversary of the Republican exile, where extracts of interviews with various witnesses are available.

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