Art and Memory: Fugir, Fleeing d' Àlex Nogué

From January 18 to May 31, 2020
Opening: Saturday, January 18, 2020, at 12 noon.

 Targeto digital ALEX NOGUE 001r

Àlex Nogué presents Fugir [Fleeing], a video that evokes the idea of flight, at MUME.

    Some places, perhaps all places, are containers of thoughts, of the gazes they have retained, the experiences they have staged and the images they have generated until shaping a cultural structure that crosses time. And among these places, the forest has a special significance. Its trees become the silent witnesses of everything that has happened around it, they are the archivists of people’s states of mind, the chroniclers of epic deeds, the treasurers of secrets and the makers of dreams.

    We continue to live in unsettled times. The trees of the Pyrenees saw the flight of thousands of people from the Spanish dictatorship. The same trees that have seen artists and politicians flee in the second decade of the 21st century.

   Fleeing to avoid dying. Fleeing from others, fleeing for others. Fleeing from oneself. Fleeing from fear, fleeing with fear. Fleeing to return, fleeing to forget, fleeing to lose oneself, fleeing to seek. Fleeing to desire.

Àlex Nogué (Hostalets d'en Bas, 1953) is a visual artist and professor at the University of Barcelona. Editor of the scientific journal BRAC (Barcelona, Research, Art and Creation). He has published 7 books on creation processes based on personal artistic experimentation. Editor of the contemporary art scientific magazine BRAC. He has made more than 60 individual exhibitions in different countries. Nogué, in 2017, won the ninth edition of the Girona Art Biennale, convened by the House of Culture of the Diputació de Girona.


Individual exhibitions for the last 10 years:

2019- 2020: "Plast, please, plus". Galerie-K, Barcelona/ Staufen (Alemania)

2016-2018: Exposició itinerant per 11 centres d’art. Un tren en pot amagar un altre. Cicle exposicions viatgeres de la Diputació de Girona.

2015-2017: "Blau, encara", MMdT. 80è aniversari del Museu d'Art de Tossa de Mar.

2012: Res li va ser aliè/Res li serà aliè, Centre Cultural La Mercé, Girona.2011: Codi

de subsistència A: “Futur variable”, Bòlit Centre d’art Contemporani, Girona.

2011: Les illes no existeixen (amb Ester Baulida ), Fundació Valvi. Girona.

2010: 42ª nord. 2ª est. Galeria Esther Montoriol. Barcelona.

2009: Registres i posicions, Horizon Galery, Colera, Girona.

2008: Lighthing for Jonh Baldressar’s plant HIAP, Kaapeli, Helsinki. (Finlandia).

2007: Antworten auf 23 Fragen, Àlex Nogué, Artothek Munich .

2007: Trementina. Una metàfora de la pintura, Fundació Cultural Côclea, Camallera




NOGUÉ, À; Clar i fosc. 2018. (Col·lecció CMYK). Barcelona: Liber libro i  BRAC. 

NOGUÉ, À; Davant la imatge. Barcelona: Comanegra/BRAC, 2016.

NOGUÉ, À; Dibuixar un arbre. Drawing a Tree. Barcelona: Comanegra, 2013.

NOGUÉ, À; “Émotion, lieu et paysage” A: Les carnets du paysage núm 21. 2011

CANADELL, E; NOGUÉ, A. Art i Ciència. Barcelona: Edicions Universitat de

Barcelona. Centre d'Estudis Històrics Internacionals, 2010.

NOGUÈ, A; "El paisaje en el arte contemporáneo: De la representación a la experiencia

del paisaje" A: NOGUE, J. (edit.). El paisaje en la cultura contemporánea. Madrid: Ed.

Biblioteca Nueva, S.L; 2008, Colección: Paisaje y Teoría. 

DESCARGA, J; NOGUÉ, À; Trementina, una metàfora de la pintura, Barcelona:

Edicions i Publicacions de la Universitat de Barcelona, 2007. 

NOGUÉ, À; DESCARGA, J; Límits del dibuix. Tretze exercicis de dibuix,'même',

Barcelona: Edicions i Publicacions de la Universitat de Barcelona, 2004.  


More info at

Àlex Nogué personal web

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