Joan Isaac concert. Cançons de les revoltes del 68

Joan Isaac concert. Cançons de les revoltes del 68
Fri, 22. February 2019
Altres Activitats Històric EN


Joan Isaac concert. Songs of the revolts of 68

Joan Isaac accompanied by Antoni Olaf Sabater, Sílvia Comes, Olden and Miquel Pujadó

MUME, Friday, February 22, 2019, at 10 p.m.

Limited places

This concert is part of the programming of the commemorative events of the Retreat Paths of the Retreat 2,019 organized by the FFREEE Association and by the City of Argelès that will take place between February 21 and 24, 2019 in La Jonquera, Argelès, Saint Laurent de Cerdans and Collioure.

Joan Isaac, stage name of Joan Vilaplana Comín (Esplugues de Llobregat, 1953), composer and interpreter in the Catalan language, poet and musician, is one of the great voices of the Catalan author song.

Pere Camps, director of the BarnaSants music festival (author song), of this work by Joan Isaac says:

The revolts of '68, starring mainly young people, especially university students, were the closest thing to a global insurrection since the end of World War II. Of these revolts, surely the most iconic were the so-called Prague Spring or the French May, but, to a lesser or greater intensity, they erupted throughout the planet: from the large demonstrations against the Vietnam War to the massacre in the square of Tlatelolco in Mexico, passing through the anti-Franco university demonstrations. It could even be considered part of this wave of rebellion against the status quo the not less famous Italian hot autumn of 1969. They were anti-authoritarian, assembly mobilizations, with a strong self-managed content, that questioned not only the structures of political and social representation prevailing, but also, and especially, the dominant morality, the value system of conservatism. A question that was always made proposing, and practicing, alternative values, which would be the seed of personal liberation, a change of mentality. Pacifism, environmentalism, and especially feminism, came to the fore and since then would form an inseparable part of any progressive political proposal. These revolts had and inspired an essential soundtrack. They are the songs of the revolts of 68.

Ticket price: 10EUR

Ticket reservation at the MUME

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In this album, Joan Isaac has the collaborations of Jordi Batiste, Sílvia Comes, Marta Gómez, Ross Harper Stewart, Alessio Lega, Luz Mura, Yannis Papaioannou, Miquel Pujadó and Wayne Scott.


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