International Colloquim: Forced displacements and exiles in XX and XXI century Europe

International Colloquim: Forced displacements and exiles in XX and XXI century Europe
Thu, 25. April 2013 - Fri, 26. April 2013
Altres Activitats Històric EN


International Colloquium "Forced displacement and exile in 21st and 21st century Europe"

April 25, 26, 2013

House of the Catalan Countries, University Via Domitia of Perpignan /

Avenida Paul Alduy, 52 - 66860 Perpignan

Following the completion of three cross-border seminars (La Jonquera, Ribesaltes and Perpignan) on different topics related to exiles and forced population displacements in Europe, MUME is once again involved in co-organizing a new cross-border meeting. 'researchers and scholars interested in exiles. On this occasion, as the closing of the series of seminars, the organizing institutions propose the holding, in Perpignan, of a colloquium, which involves, in part, the continuation of the discussions arising above, and at the same time raises questions that are not be sufficiently explored at that time. Also, the incorporation of new topics is also formulated.

The seminars, which took place at the Exile de la Jonquera Memorial Museum (October 2010), the Ribesaltes countryside (September 2011) and the Jean Vigo Institut Cinemateca in Perpignan (March 2012), were treated, from different angles - historical, anthropological, sociological, medical, psychological, literary, artistic - various cases of exile and internment in Europe. From the population movements generated by the Spanish Civil War to the displacements caused by the Balkan wars of the 1990's, and the aftermath of French colonialism. In each case, the reception systems of the host countries and the physical and mental pathologies arising from those circumstances were taken into account. Also, one of the seminars, the last, was devoted to the analysis of the visual capture and representation of these phenomena that have political migration as the epicenter.

With the holding of this symposium, which will last two days, it is intended, on the one hand, to focus on aspects and historical and geographical realities that were not the subject of attention during the seminars. This involves, among other things, keeping in mind the geographical contrasts in which forced population displacements associated with the Nazi defeat from 1945, the deportations of entire peoples during the Stalinist period to the former Soviet Union, or the focus in population movements almost parallel to the Great War, such as the Armenians and the so-called white Russians. On the other hand, beside the historical gaze, it is proposed to introduce an approach that has as its backbone the sociological perspective connected with the world today. In this regard, it is emphasized that in Europe nowadays forced population movements, although not usually caused by a conflict between European states, continue to be a serious problem mainly linked to the major planetary socio-economic transformations and even to the effects of climate change. That is to say, although paradoxical, the theoretical circulation of people, supported by the Schengen agreements, coexists with the existence of border control enclaves such as Ceuta, Melilla or the island of Lampedusa. Likewise, this current-day bond also does not ignore the resurgence of racist behavior in some parts of Europe, especially in countries in the former Eastern Bloc, which involve forced migration or extreme marginalization such as the case of the Roma population of Hungary or Romania.

So, let's take this set of issues into account, the colloquium will present about a dozen conferences that will be combined with discussion spaces and the presentation of a documentary or film related to the issues that will have to be addressed. to debate.

Broadly speaking, the challenge of this colloquium is, from an interdisciplinary approach, to continue and move forward with the work done during the three seminars. That is to bring together university students and researchers working on topics, aspects, related to exiles and forced displacement in 21st and 21st century Europe.


Thursday, April, 25:

2:00 p.m .: Catherine VITOL of WENDEN, Center for International Studies and Research Sciences-Po.

"Global synthesis on the migratory flows of the XXth century"

2.30 p.m .: Jordi RUBIÓ, Doctor of Contemporary History, UdG.

"The long road to victory: Catalan deserters and rebels in France during the Spanish War (1936-1939)"

3:00 p.m .: Ahmed BEN NAOUM, Professor of Sociology, UPVD.

"Exiles in the Bible and the Koran"

3.30 p.m .: Debate.

From 5 p.m., the inauguration of the Sociology Congress to which you are invited will take place, Canigou room, rue Pierre Bretonneau in PERPIGNAN.


Friday, April, 26:

9:30 am: Anouche KUNTH, CERCEC-EHESS.

"The renewed exile of vulnerable minorities: the irresolution of the Armenian Question, seen through the centuries-old repetition of forced departures"

10:00 am: Patrizia DOGLIANI, Professor of History, University of Bologna.

"Italy, host, transit and seclusion country for European Jews. 1938/1948 History and places of memory »

10:30 am: Àngel QUINTANA, Professor of Cinema History, UdG.

"El viatge i la frontera en el cinema by Theo Angelopoulos"

10.30-10.45 am: Coffee break.

10.45 am: Katarzyna STOKLOSA, Associate Professor, University of Southern Denmark.

"Lost and reclaimed lands: the expulsion of the Germans and the arrival of the Poles"

11:15 a.m.: Debate.

The organizers of the colloquium are ICRECS (Catalan Institute for Research in Social Sciences) of the University of Perpignan Via Domitia, the Exile Memorial Museum (MUME), the Camp de Ribesaltes Memorial (MCR) / Regional Council Languedoc-Roussillon, General Council of the Eastern Pyrenees and the Euroregional Cinemateca Institut Jean Vigo (IJV).


Martine Camiade

Directive (ICRESS) / Director (ICRECS)

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