Rastres-Argelers, theater play by Aina Huguet

Rastres-Argelers, theater play by Aina Huguet
Thu, 20. February 2020
Altres Activitats Històric EN


Rastres_Argelers, by Aina Huguet

Thursday, February 20, 2020

At 8:30 pm in the Society Room "La Unión Jonquerenc"

Theater play produced by the Teatro Maldà.

Rastres_Argelers is a journey in memory. The memory of the Civil War refugees that the French concentration camps were closed on the way to exile, some camps where an extreme barbarism reigned, of which the French State and the Francoist government were absolute accomplices. Today, Argelès beach is a tourist mecca in southern France. In summer, there is not a foot of sand that is not occupied by towels and sunbathers. Almost eighty years ago - only eighty years! - the refugees urinated, defecated, gave birth and died in the same sand. Even today, neither the French nor the Spanish government have not officially recognized these victims. This project is based on the testimony of many people who passed through the concentration camps of Roussillon. And it is the voice of these witnesses that you, the public, will see on stage.

Aina Huguet, playwright and director

The dramaturgy is based on written testimonies from Los vencidos, by Xavier Benguerel, From the Czechs of Barcelona in Nazi Germany, by Otilia Castellví, One of Many and Concentration Camp (1939), by Lluís Ferran de Pol y Exodus. Diary of a Spanish refugee, by Silvia Mistral.

Original idea, dramaturgy and direction: Aina Huguet

Movement direction: Andreu Martínez

Performers: Ariadna Fígols and Aina Huguet

Musical composition / Sound space: Daniel Pitarch

Stage space / Wardrobe: Elisenda Pérez

Voiceovers: Berta Giraut, Bárbara Rojo, Ignacio Guasch, Ricard Serra, Sergi Torrecilla and Jaume Ulled

Lighting: Adrià Aubert

Poster photography: Núria Gámiz

Audiovisual creation: Print Workshop

Images of the Argelers fields from 1939: Departmental Fund of the Eastern Pyrenees (Fund Chauvin) and Regional Archive of Alt Penedès (Fund Henry Buckley)

Executive production: El Maldà

More information about the play on the website of the Teatro Maldà.

This is an activity framed within the annual commemoration of the "Caminos de la Retirada 2020" Retreat, organized by the FFREEE Association, the Antonio Machado Foundation and the municipalities of Argelès and Collioure.

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