Visit to Ribesaltes and Perpignan (Ass. Friends of the Museum)

Visit to Ribesaltes and Perpignan (Ass. Friends of the Museum)
Sat, 2. April 2016
Altres Activitats Històric EN


Outing with the Ass. Friends of the MUME to Ribesaltes and Perpignan

Visit to the Memorial Camp of Rivesaltes and to Perpignan. 

Saturday, April2, 2016 



9:00h  Meeting point at the MUME

9:15h  Departure by bus to Ribesaltes

10:15h Visit to the Mémorial du Camp de Rivesaltes

13:00h  Lunch at the restaurant Café Vienne in Perpinyà

15:00h Itinerary in Perpignan of the city in 1939, a city in a state of emergency, by Eric Forcada, culture consultat and exhibition curator.

17:00h Return to La Jonquera


PRICE: 45 EUR for members of the Association (50 EUR for non-members)

REGISTRATIONS: ABefore March 30 at the MUME (972 556 533) or through Mr. Jordi Cabezas, President of the associaitoin (629 790 906 / This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)

ORGANISED BY : Associació d'Amics del Museu Memorial de l'exili de la Jonquera


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