Evocation of exile, by Antoine Teixidó

Evocation of exile, by Antoine Teixidó
Wed, 1. May 2019
Altres Activitats Històric EN



Evocation of exile, by Antoine Teixidó

The exile Antoine Teixidó evokes the retreat with a painting of the beaches of Algiers in the space "Witnesses and documentary legacies of exile" of the MUME.

Throughout the month of May 2019 you can see in the MUME the work Evocation of the Retreat, an oil on canvas 2018 of the exiled Antoine Teixidó (Trullars, Rosselló, 1940), currently living in Castelló d'Empúries-Empuriabrava .

It is a work based on the photograph of Robert Capa taken between the fields of Algiers and Barcarès in March 1939 made in honor of his father, Antonio Teixidó Peralba (Penelles, Lleida, 1908 - Nanterre, Île-de-France, 1974), exiled Republican soldier linked to the Air Force. A blacksmith by profession, he passed through the concentration camp of Algiers, worked in agricultural work in Trullars, where he met his wife and where Antoine Teixidó was born.

His father participated in the maquis and resistance during World War II and this work is a tribute to his family’s exile and the memory of Republican exile.

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