Reception and delivery to the MUME of the flag of the Popular Army of the Republic

Reception and delivery to the MUME of the flag of the Popular Army of the Republic
Fri, 22. February 2019
Altres Activitats Històric EN


Reception and delivery to the MUME of the flag of the Popular Army of the Republic (100 Mixed Brigade - XI Division - Fifth Army Corps) by the Catalan Association of Political Expresses of the Franco regime and the Democratic Memorial Association of the SEAT workers.

Friday, February 22 at 9:45 pm, just before Joan Isaac's concert at the Sala de la Societat de la Jonquera.

On the occasion of the commemorative events "Camins de la Retirada 2019" will take place in the Hall of the society of La Jonquera the donation to the MUME of this flag of the Republican Army that remained for many years in French exile. Then, at 10 pm, there will be a concert by Joan Isaac: Cançons de les revoltes del 68.


Cultural visit to the Coll de Belitres (Portbou) by different members of the Catalan Association of Political Expresses of the Franco regime and the Cipriano García Foundation (CCOO) on 4.06.2016, with the flag of the 100th Mixed Brigade (XI Division).

virtual visit eng1 250p




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