Visit to Mas Descalç in Darnius - The exile of the artistic patrimony

Visit to Mas Descalç in Darnius - The exile of the artistic patrimony
Sat, 25. November 2017
Altres Activitats Històric EN


Following in the footsteps of the evacuation of Catalan artistic heritage. February 1939

Visit to Mas Can Descals in Darnius

Saturday, November 25, 2017, 10 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.

Visit by historians Joaquim Nadal and Gemma Domènech (Catalan Institute for Cultural Heritage Research).

The farmhouse of Can Descals de Darnius was one of the spaces enabled as repositories of Catalan artistic heritage during the last months of the Civil War in Catalonia, along with the church of Sant Esteve d'Olot or the Mas Perxés d'Agullana. The Minister of Culture of the Generalitat de Catalunya, Carles Pi i Sunyer (1888-1971), the Undersecretary of Culture of the Generalitat, Ramon Frontera Bosch (1900-1987) and the head of the Museums and Culture Service of the Girona Provincial Council , Joan Subias Galter (1897-1984), were some of the political and technical representatives of the management of the transfers to Can Descals and of the artistic funds that passed through the farmhouse. During the retreat, the President of the Generalitat, Lluís Companys Jover (1882-1940) stayed in Can Descals before passing through Mas Perxés and going into exile for good. The farmhouse was partially evacuated between 7 and 9 February 1939, until the arrival of the Francoist Army in a relocation operation ordered by the Central Government of the Republic and led by Carabinieri Lieutenant Alexandre Blasi.

This activity is part of the cultural program "Som Cultura Històrica - November 2017 - Festival of cultural experiences Costa Brava and Girona Pyrenees" of the Girona Costa Brava Tourism Board (Girona Provincial Council).


10am. Meeting at the Exile Memorial Museum of La Jonquera

10:30 am. Departure by bus to Can Descals de Darnius

11am. Visit to the Can Descals premises by historians Joaquim Nadal and Gemma Domènech (Catalan Institute for Cultural Heritage Research)

1 p.m. Return to the Exile Memorial Museum of La Jonquera

Limited places.

Price: 6 EUR per person (bus price)

Registration for the MUME Tel. 972.556.533 (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) or through Jordi Cabezas, president of the Association tel. 629790906 - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Organized by: Association of Friends of the MUME and MUME

Collaboration: ICRPC (Catalan Institute for Research in Cultural Heritage) and Owners of Can Descals.


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