Book presentation and lecture: If it weren't for Mexico. Salvage thousands of Catalan and Spanish republicans by Jose Maria Muria

Book presentation and lecture: If it weren't for Mexico. Salvage thousands of Catalan and Spanish republicans by Jose Maria Muria
Fri, 11. October 2019
Altres Activitats Històric EN


Book presentation and lecture: If it weren't for Mexico. Salvage thousands of Catalan and Spanish republicans by Jose Maria Muria

Friday, October 11, 2019, at 7:30 p.m.

Darder Museum of Banyoles

Plaça dels Estudis, 2 (Banyoles)



With the presentation of Alfons Quera, director of the MUME, and the interventions of Jordi Xena, economist and political activist, Dr. José M. Murià, historian, writer, museographer, professor, columnist, Mexican academic and son of the republican exile and Gemma Domènech, Director General of Democratic Memory of the Generalitat.

Dr. José M. Murià is a good connoisseur and disseminator of different aspects of the republican exile, like the participation of the Mexican government in the rescue of republicans exiled in France between 1939 and 1944.

Place: Banyoles - Darder Museum

Organization: Memorial Museum of Exile (MUME), in the framework of the "80 years of republican exile"

Collaboration: Banyoles City Council

"We are all burning with the desire to embark for Mexico (...). It is a magical name that encourages desire and dazzles us with all the intensities of hope. Those of us who dream every day of this journey (...) shortening or lengthening dates in the long flight of fantasy are called the "illusionists of Mexico."

A small sample of the very important role that Mexico played during the Spanish Civil War and the republican exile are these words of the publicist, philanthropist and writer Eulalio Ferrer (Santander, 1921, Mexico, 2009), a republican exile in Mexico, author from various testimonial newspapers of exile, such as Entre alambradas (Grijalbo, 1987), where he explains his stay in Algiers and Sant Cebrià in 1939 and his trip to Mexico in 1940.

José Maria Murià’s book “De no ser por México” (2019), according to the author of the prologue “El reencuentro. Mexico and Spain ”, Sergio Garcia Ramírez ... pays a moving tribute to the Mexicans who put all the effort required, to the greatest extent of their strength, to rescue expatriates and thus resume, for the future, the cause of legitimacy against the siege of violence, momentarily victorious. A gallant, instructive, memorable effort.

This book does not aspire to be a historiographical work per se, on the contrary, José M. Murià is convinced that it is a true epic.

With a sense of obligation in writing and remembering what Mexicans referred to throughout the pages, Murià makes a historical journey that few Mexicans know and history books generally do not yet tell: a history that favored democracy and human rights in Spain and France.

This book is, therefore, the particular way of calling ¡Viva México! of José María Murià Rouret (Mexico City, 1942), a Mexican historian, writer, museographer, professor, columnist, and academic, son of Catalan republican exiles, specifically of the writer Josep Maria Murià Romaní (Barcelona, ​​1907 - Guadalajara , Jalisco, 1999).

More information about the book and its author:

Others references of José María Murià at PuntAvui:

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